28 July 2024

What Do We Take Away From This”?

There were many reactions to the powerful speech delivered by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday but the response of Chareidi journalist, Aryeh Erlich, the editor of the Hebrew Mishpacha, was the most thought-provoking.

“Hundreds of members of Congress
The richest man in the world [a reference to Elon Musk]
All US TV channels and hundreds more outside it
80 rounds of applause.
55 standing ovations
In the name of 200 million Americans who cheered and cheered and cheered
One of the best hasbarah [public relations] events in history

"But in Israel,
The bitter opposition
The midget
Was unable to rise to the greatness of the occasion.
I want to say two simple words:
Thank you, Netanyahu.”

Erlich continued: “Netanyahu fulfilled his promise to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Netanyahu spoke in a Jewish (יהודי), believing (אמוני), and Biblical (תנ”כי) manner. 

That’s what the Rebbe requested of Netanyahu in their meeting 40 years ago. He now fulfilled it brilliantly. And listen to the cheering!”


Who was there 40 years ago?

Who heard the Rebbe?

How does this presage the arrival of Mashiach?

Hasbara or Emes?

Comments anyone??


One commenter had this to say:

The chief Zionist heretic spoke as a Zionist, which means not Jewish, non-believing in G-d and not any more biblical than any Christian clergyman. Not once did the idolater even mention Hashem. Yet, that’s “Jewish” and “faithful”? Why? Because he misquoted “עם כלביא יקום” — as a support for the anti-Jewish Zionism, that makes it “Jewish”? This is sick and anti-Jewish.

So pathetic. Mishpacha, as usual, adopts the Zionist playbook in distorting Judaism while claiming to be (loyal to) Judaism. The gedolim knew what they were doing when they banned that insidious publication, of course.


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