24 July 2024


Written in 2017 and still applicable, a Revisit:

It appears that the sole objective of the erev rav is to silence the Voice of the Jewish Heart. They attack us from every direction. What is the end goal: elimination of Torah Jewry. What are their methods: arrests, detentions, trials, slander and..get ready…encouraged assimilation.

Yes, the erev rav forbids anything related to Judaism to be made available in the schools but encourages all things related to Christianity (see recent events in Tel Aviv and Hertzylia). They do not want the children to be “Judaized.” Even the IDF encourages missionaries and restricts Rabbis.

Now, they come after Lahava who has saved and is saving thousands of Jewish women, some very young, who find themselves lured into abusive relationships with Arab men. What is the crime? In the eyes of the erev rav, intermarriage is just one of the many channels through which they destroy Torah Jewry. It reminds me of Australia. The government sponsored and implemented a program whose purpose was to eradicate the original inhabitants of Australia. How would it be done? They would “breed” out the race. This is what the erev rav wants to do through their encouragement of intermarriage and harassing of all those who fight for HaShem to save every Jewish child.

May Moshiach please be revealed soon. In the meantime, we must Resist! [cannot find this link but did find]

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Anonymous said...

The Erev Rav now rule all over in high places in our holy Eretz Yisrael. This is the work of Amaleik itself. Amaleik takes on all kinds of impersonations and at first makes sure to wheedle their way in and infiltrate by their professional, innate 'evil'. These Erev Rav Amaleikim will be punished more than all our other enemies. They are imposters and evil to the core.
Unless every true Jew in EY is aware of this (by this time should be) unites and fights against this evil, nothing will help except for our crying out from the depths of our hearts to Hashem
to fight this war against the ErevRav/Amaleikim for us. We need to not forget they are the ones who unite with our enemies & even those who are not direct enemies. The arrival of Moshiach will be the first step and then Hashem Himself will complete the job. So our job is to turn to Hashem and start davening real hard and crying out with tears to Hashem to rid our Land
and the whole world from these most evil of all evils.

Neshama said...

Yes, Yes. To what you wrote I add:

"Yehuda taught: “In the future, the Holy One, blessed be He, will bring the yetzer hara and slaughter it before the righteous and the wicked. To the righteous, it appears as a tall mountain. To the wicked, it appears as a hairsbreadth."