28 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Testimony from an IDF soldier wounded in a death trap

ME:  this reality is unbelievable; when will Am Yisrael wake up? 
[no i don’t think its ‘elevating the sparks’ its diabolical]

 On Shabbos morning a soldier who was injured in Gaza was invited to share his story after davening. He is a young married man.

He recounted that his unit was given a mission to conquer two buildings that were believed to belong to Hamas. One was a one-story building, like a villa, and next to it was a three-story building. The plan was to capture the smaller building first and then use it as cover to attack the larger building. First they would open fire with light weapons. Then they would fire something that makes a “boom” and causes the building to shake, causing any explosives inside to detonate. Then they would move in and capture the building.

The soldier said he was most worried about RPG's and snipers shooting at his unit from a distance when they were exposed.

Why wouldn't they just blow up the buildings from the air or from a distance and be done with it, without jeopardizing soldiers?

It seems the idea didn't even occur to anyone.

Did they really believe hostages were inside? Did they really believe such valuable intelligence would be lost that it was worth sacrificing soldiers' bodies and lives, and destroying their families, to preserve the buildings?

Soldiers are not allowed to ask these questions, unless they want to be hauled off to military prison and persecuted by the state they are “serving”. Better to play Russian Roulette with death traps. Better to believe your commanding officers are really on your side, not traitors, foreign agents, and useful idiots. Better not to think about it at all.

When they fired the “boom” the building went up in flames, so they wouldn't be able to use it as cover, and were forced to change their plans. They would have to go after the second building on foot under much greater exposure. God forbid they just destroyed that building too. Preserving buildings in Gaza is more important than preserving Jewish cannon fodder.

While this soldier moved in, his friend next to him cried out that he was shot. The soldier turned to look, and this saved his life. No, his ear wasn't grazed in just the perfect way to get an iconic photo without causing any damage like we're supposed to believe about some menuval. He was shot twice and suffered serious injuries – but because his body was at an angle, both bullets went through his flesh and out the other side, instead of hitting internal organs. He was shot in the shoulder and the thigh area.

He went down and was bleeding heavily. His commander told him to get up and go, and he said he couldn't, he was shot. Apparently the protocol in such situations is for the IDF to hold their fire lest they shoot their own, so they have to evacuate the wounded without cover (make it make sense). His friends managed to drag him and the other soldier back 15-20 meters under fire, until they had cover behind something the size of a table, and were able to get treated by medics.

Another soldier had a bullet go right through his helmet, in one side and out the other, without touching him.

The soldier related that he was evacuated to Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital by an American helicopter that was located at an American camp nearby. He said he will need a few months to fully recover from his injuries, but, thank God, he didn't suffer any irreversible damage. He rightfully gave credit to Hashem for the many miracles that saved him that day, and the people in the shul applauded.

Of course, no one asked what the heck the *American military is doing there. They certainly didn't posit that the Americans are there to oversee the staged conflict, and work with both sides to lead God-fearing Jewish soldiers into carefully designed death traps under the pretext of important missions.

The conclusion we were supposed to draw from the story is that Hashem is doing miracles for us – and He is! But we have no right, let alone an obligation, to let our enemies lead us into gas chambers and ovens, and hope the death traps malfunction. How many more sacrifices until enough people wake up?

*   *   *

I have never in my life met someone who actually wanted to do a deal at any price. If there are people out there who want to do a deal at any price, please contact me.  I would love to do business with you.

*   *   *

It's nearly ten months since October 7.  We were told by the people who don't want to give answers that it's not the time to ask questions.  No one responsible for the massacre has been arrested, interrogated, persecuted, and prosecuted.  Now is not the time.  They're too busy fighting a war to protect us and can't be disturbed.  We'll deal with it later. Maybe in 100 years.  Maybe not.  Whatever.  It's not urgent.

Dozens of IDF soldiers who killed terrorists on October 7 and prevented the massacre from being even worse have been arrested, interrogated, persecuted, and prosecuted.  Many of them were literally pulled off the battlefield in Gaza for this purpose.  Now is the time.  It couldn't wait. [emphasis me]

Make it make sense.
*   *   *
Maybe the Druze will do what the Jews are too foolish and cowardly to do.


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***end of Rabbi Weissmans article***



*maybe on the lookout that the soldiers were using 1960 weaponry, wearing inadequate uniforms, boots etc., and receiving conflicting IDF orders from superiors, i.e. fighting" CONFORMING TO US STANDARDS? What a disgrace.

“ME" = owner of the blog

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