17 July 2024

Reb Neuberger – Parashas Balak: LIFE IN THE JUNGLE



The “Book of Our Heritage” says, “The purpose of … fast days is to awaken us and our hearts to teshuva by recalling our own misdeeds as well as those of our ancestors. By remembering these misdeeds, which we continue to repeat and which bring on similar calamities, we are motivated to return to the proper path ….”


Why do we keep repeating these mistakes?


From our small garden in Israel, we can see the miracle of life. The trees bear fruit; birds hatch in the nest; kittens play behind bushes. Overhead, the sun rises and sets. The moon waxes and wanes. “The heavens declare the glory of G-d and the expanse of the sky tells of His handiwork….” (Tehillim 19)


Only the sons of man have free will whether or not to follow the will of the Creator.


As we afflict ourselves during the Three Weeks which begin on the 17th of Tammuz, our afflictions will be effective only if we contemplate the fact that the future of this world depends on our inner world. The sun and moon obey Hashem flawlessly, but what about me?


There is a massive push in this world against kedusha. This week we read the story of Balak and Bilaam. Why is there such hatred toward Israel, such a powerful desire to curse us? At Har Sinai worldwide “sina…. hatred” arose against us. But even before Har Sinai, there was hatred against Avraham Avinu and his efforts to eradicate idolatry. And even before Avraham Avinu, at the very beginning of history, we see a massive push against kedusha. The serpent, who was “cunning beyond any beast of the field,” strove mightily to nullify the influence of the Creator upon His creatures. As the Haggada says, “B’chol dor v’dor … In every generation they rise against us to annihilate us!” 


But the greatest challenge is the yetzer hara within. As Hashem said to Kayin at the beginning of history, “Surely, if you improve yourself, you will be forgiven. But if you do not improve yourself, sin rests at the door. Its desire is toward you, yet you can conquer it.” (Beraishis 4:7)


This is perhaps the most succinct and crystal-clear statement of man’s mission in life.


My friends, the battle is within us.


The nations around us perceive only the physical, but we are a nation apart. Only we stood at Har Sinai. Only we learned from Hashem Himself that the world of ruchnius rules and in fact creates the world of gashmius. The world of gashmius ends in death –the parah adumah is burnt to ashes – but the world of ruchnius is eternal. The world of gashmius has no rules. This is the jungle, where beast battles beast, what they call “survival of the fittest,” where only strength rules.


The world of ruchnius, lehavdil, is totally different. It is a world of morality, ruled by laws which Hashem has created so that His world can exist in peace and tranquility. The jungle dwellers hate ruchnius, because ruchnius is infinitely stronger than physical power.


“Ele v’rechev … Some with chariots and some with horses, but we call out in the Name of Hashem, our G-d!” (Tehillim 20) This is the story of Dovid and Golias. The world of gashmius is a world of war; the world of ruchnius is a world of peace. As Dovid Hamelech says, “I am peace, but, when I speak, they are for war.” (Tehillim 120)


This is the eternal fight: the world of gashmius versus the world of ruchnius. These two forces are battling in the outside world and within us, just as Yaakov and Esav battled each other within Rivka. All the other nations operate according to the call of the physical world. Only one nation stands up for the Creator. The Torah stands alone against the cravings of Esav, who desires nothing more than to swallow that “very red stuff.” (Beraishis 25:50) But about Am Yisroel, it is said, “All your children will be students of Hashem and your children will have abundant peace.” (Berachos 64a)


Listen please to the amazing words of President Harry S. Truman, a non-Jew who perceived the kedusha within Am Yisroel: “I believe that, just like in the past, three thousand years ago, you Jews saved humanity, wild mankind, via your Torah, so too I believe and hope that, even nowadays, you, the Jewish Nation, will be successful again, to enlighten and to heal the beasts of cruelty in our midst and save the world from total destruction.” (Miluai Shlomo)


During the Three Weeks, we afflict ourselves precisely in order to strengthen within ourselves the Truth of life in order that ruchnius will prevail over gashmius. When we do that, then Truth will also prevail in the world at large. “A person who aspires to spiritual perfection, he is the one who is benefiting the masses.” (Chazon Ish)


The life of gashmius ends in the grave; the life of kedusha is eternal. There is no morality in the jungle. All morality in this world comes from the Torah. Rooted in the lifestyle of the Children of Israel, the Torah goes out to the lawless world around us to subdue it and bring harmony to the world.


“Do not fear sudden terror or the holocaust of the wicked …. It shall not succeed, for G-d is with us.... [Hashem says,] I created you and I shall bear you. I shall endure and rescue.”  (Daily tefillah) These thoughts will save us. May we strengthen our neshomas and bring into joyous reality the world of ruchnius, when peace and justice will reign upon the earth!



President Harry S Truman

Breakfast in the nest

Kittens in the garden


Avraham Avinu: Our father Abraham

Gashmius: materialism

Dovid Hamelech: King David

Har Sinai: Mount Sinai

Kayin: Cain

Kedusha: sanctity

Lehavdil: to separate one subject from another

Parah aduma: red heifer

Rivka: our Mother Rebecca

Ruchnius: spirituality

Teshuva: repentance

Yetzer hara: evil inclination

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