18 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman — The Donkey's Winning Argument...and perhaps my final word on Trump


I hope the below will be my final comments on the Trump assassination attempt narrative.  At this point I'm happy to let others dissect all the little parts of the narrative.  While everyone slowly plays catch-up, like with Covid and October 7, the official narrative and agenda will march on, as it always does. 

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What story in Tanach resembles the narrative with the so-called assassination attempt, which I happened to teach a few weeks ago?  (Yes, it's click-baitey, but not out of bounds.)

What winning argument do we learn from Bilam's donkey that we should be applying today?

What critical lesson do we learn about purity sometimes coming from impure things?

What argument will the nations of the world make to defend themselves on judgment day, and why will it be rejected – even though it really seems like a good argument?

What did Bilam – the greatest gentile prophet himself – say that completely refutes Christianity, Islam, etc.?

What simple things should we do to merit protection from harmful angels and other such dangers?

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A couple of fools have warned me that I am "losing credibility" and even "destroying all my good work" by calling BS on the Trump assassination attempt narrative. Please explain how that works.  

Please explain how you measure "credibility", and why calling BS on this particular official narrative which you believe because the TV told you something is the end of me, but not calling BS on other official narratives which I am allowed to doubt. 

Please explain how you know a bullet was fired specifically at Trump aside from the TV telling you, and why you believe the TV.  Because it pretty much all depends on that.

Please explain why if, theoretically, I were somehow proven to be wrong, everything I was right about the past 5 years and beyond is somehow destroyed.  Why do I have to be right 100% of the time to remain credible, but the TV doesn't?

And please explain what you learned over the past 5 years that makes you so convinced this time the TV is telling you truth beyond such a shadow of a doubt that I have no reasonable basis to doubt it.

And please manage to respond coherently and on point.  Otherwise, I won't find you credible, and I will assume you're just a brainwashed troll with an irrational blind spot for Trump.

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Acceptable conspiracy theory:  The Secret Service, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Iran, the donut shop owner down the block and his dog conspired to assassinate Trump.

Unacceptable conspiracy theory: It was staged and Trump was in on it.

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I wrote the following on September 29, 2023.  

I've been warning people for a while that Trump is no Messiah, and in fact has been faithfully advancing the agenda for those he claims to oppose.  But since he says what many people want to hear, makes great theater, and appears to be persecuted by the other side, all sins are whitewashed and forgiven.  This is the controlled opposition playbook, and it's going on in your country too.  Your enemies choose the people you think are leading you in the struggle against them.  If they are part of the system, they work for the system, regardless of their rhetoric.

Recently Trump made it even harder for his most cultish apologists to continue apologizing for him, though many will do so until the bitter end.  When confronted by someone who was injured by the poison shots about his central role in the whole Covid charade, Trump made the outrageous claim that he didn't get enough CREDIT for the role he played.  See

Instead of rationalizing that Trump really wanted to do all sorts of amazing, critical things but they just wouldn't let him (so he was impotent, but next time they will let him, or he will suddenly develop super powers?) let's examine the facts:

1. Covid, the lockdowns, and the death shots all happened on his watch, with his endorsement.  No desperate excuses that he "trusted the wrong people". The buck stops with him.  No second chance on something like this.  

2. To this day he has not addressed his role in the above.  He isn't even the one rationalizing and making the excuses for his highly deadly and destructive failures.  He leaves that to you.

3. He let BLM and Antifa burn down the country and did nothing to stop them.  No National Guard, no nothing.

4. He let actual insurrectionists literally take over part of Seattle and call it a new country (CHOP, CHAZ) and did nothing.

5. Not one drop from the swamp was drained during his presidency.  No excuses.  

6. His "Deal of the Century" for Israel was a suicide plan, and it's not our land for him to barter away in any case.  Thank God it didn't happen.

7. He led his most ardent supporters right into a trap on January 6, a false flag that greatly accelerated the agenda, and he hung these people out to dry. Why in the world would anyone die on a hill for this man after that?

8. He makes everything into a left/right issue instead of trying to unify the people.  His recent comments about not complying with a covid comeback are a perfect example of that.  It should be a human rights, unifying issue, not one that divides the people on political lines.

That is textbook controlled opposition.  Constantly engage in inflammatory rhetoric and needlessly turn the people against each other (see Ben Gvir).  Divide and conquer.  The media and legal attacks against him are a cover for that.  That's also controlled.  It gives him street cred.  It's all part of the theatre.  There's a reason why he's Teflon Don.  

Time to wake up.

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My favorite email from yesterday.  I promise this is real.  

To Whom It May Concern: 
I am not willing or able to receive anymore emails or notices from Chananya Weissman.  
I am asking that all emails to me [name redacted] end as of today 7/17/24.  I am a President Trump supporter!

A close second:

“You are a disgraceful, evil person!!!  Take me off your mailing list!!  You don’t know what you’re talking about!!”

Tell me it's not a cult ten times worse than covid: 

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I've received more angry reactions from "religious" Jews for my critical observations about Trump and the recent drama than I did when I called widely respected rabbis Erev Rav.  Make it make sense.

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They should have hired Tom Hanks to play Trump.  It would have been more believable.

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I feel like a kid in a candy store.  Or like a little Avraham in an idol store.

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Despite thousands and thousands of supposedly successful Iron Dome interceptions, there is ZERO spectacular footage of rockets getting tracked and blown to bits.  As the "experts" explain, the rockets become invisible, like Klingon warships with cloaking devices.  
But speeding bullets can be caught on camera.
Make it make sense.

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Anonymous said...

With all due respect, we are not making Trump more than he is. I believe open miracles are in fashion now and you deny them. Every time you say TV, you might as well say G-d. Why would God save Trump? I dunno. But I believe He did. It feels like you are ignoring this one piece...
Yes, the world is this violent. Bad guys came to curse Trump, and instead he was blessed. Saying it is staged is somewhat supporting the idea that there are no real bad guys. A stage means Trump wants sympathy. He isn't smart enough to stage this kind of show.

drbsd said...

Stop posting this BS.

Neshama said...

He’s giving us the peel of the Klipa!

Neshama said...

Maybe HaShem is warning him??
What is HaShem saving him for??

Neshama said...

drbsd, Yes I hear you. I'm writing something now that might balance what has been said already.

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