23 July 2024


Trump’s speech at the RNC was a melodramatic embellishment to the attendees that CONTRADICTED what all the videos depicted. He masterly controlled their emotions and the crowd erupted into a what sounded like a Revival Gathering.

After B”H a contemplative Shabbos, esp. of the Parasha of Balak and Bilaam, some things stand out.  I share the following:


Rabbi Winston wrote:

The second point is more profound. It is how G–D can “manipulate” people and reality to bring about a good result from a seemingly bad act. The person doing it may be guilty of the sin and even punishable for it, because they intended for bad. But the net impact of their act on history will be positive, because that is what G–D intended. [...]

It gets even deeper. Life is about one thing, though most people do not know this or think in these terms. The kabbalistic term is, Aliyas M”N, or the elevation of Mayn Nukvin. You may have heard of it as the elevation of holy sparks, or nitzotzei kedushah. They are the spiritual energy that fuels all of reality on every level of existence, without which nothing can exist or function. 

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered to fully understand the idea, but not now. For now it is enough to know that that every time a good thing is done in history, it elevates sparks and rectifies Creation. Just what is done, and how it is done, determines how many sparks actually get elevated, how much reward a person earns for doing so, and how much closer Creation comes to completion. [...]  

....just as getting back our ancestral homeland in 1948, as prophesied thousands of years ago, was the result of 6,000,000 elevated sparks from 1942-45. And that’s just the beginning of the discussion. [please read his shiur on Balak for full text] 

And something Reb Neuberger wrote :

    "There is a massive push in this world against kedusha..." (Balak)


We all need to put on new eye glasses that contain Emessdic lenses. The time we are living in is heavily doused in psychological distortions (psy-ops, deceit and pure lies). Reb Saidel (parshas Balak) wrote: 

It is interesting to note the phrase in Gemara (Sanhedrin 106a) describing Am Yisrael's desire for flax clothing וְהֵם מִתְאַוִּים לִכְלֵי פִשְׁתָּן, the same word used for the Edomite food – תַּאֲוָה. Neither the food, nor the flax clothing were physical needs, they were both psychological desires. [...] 

Incredibly, the philosophy of ba'al peor was well thought out and aspired to lofty, purist ideals. Although ba'al peor hasn't existed for thousands of years, the base principles, when the layers are peeled away, bear a disturbing resemblance to some of the modern, "neo-pagan" life philosophies, such as Woke/LGBT etc. [...] Obviously, we know that the philosophy of the Torah is in diametric opposition to this.[...] The Torah philosophy does not seek to eliminate or ignore the 99% of our animalistic nature, but to transcend it and aspire to more resemble angels than monkeys  (Balak: The Wisdom & Morals of....)

The conclusion is that DESPITE what we SAW and HEARD and READ, the takeaway from all this is that HaShem is (was and will be) very much working in our lives and in the world to bring us to the full and complete redemption. 

I believe He is preparing the world to recognize this. 

I also personally want to declare that I don’t see, as Chananya shouts out, DJT as a "messianic figure, or a messiah to save the Jews" (maybe the opposite). But there are some Rabbis that do(?). The days we are living in are chaotic and challenging, because we are close to the events described thusly in the Torah and our ancient Neviim (that also occured in the days surrounding the first Century [Sinas Chinam]. Hashem is moving the chess pieces around and we need to be very very discerning to really understand the Hand of Hashem.

Any bloggers or others that fell victim to (several of) the v jabs CANNOT be relied upon for their clear mental and emotional perspective on (spiritual) matters pertaining to our Geulah because of how the toxic substance was designed to alter DNA into something otherworldly.

And we still have to get through the next Shmittah Year in 2028-2029 which is very close to the 210 years prior to 6000 when techias hameisim begins; plus all the other end days events IY"H.



Thinking back on the years 2019-2020, not even one millisecond of a minute did I believe any of the covid/Corona nonsense, and plainly recognized that what they wanted Israelis to believe was manipulative, false and deadly. And this was way before That Purim. No one would have believed me, the psychological euphoria was too overwhelming. [that too was a message from Hashem but not what many said]

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Bitachon 191 - Be Careful What You Wish