21 July 2024

Reb Ari Goldwag: Balak - Secret of Redemption

Why was Moshe unable to respond when Zimri challenged him in regards to his having married a Midianite woman? What does it mean that he 'lazy' in this regard? How is it that Moshe is punished for this 'laziness' by being buried alone - only by Hashem - and not by all of the Jewish people - if this lone burial is actually a reward for having worked hard to find the bones of Yosef before leaving Egypt?

In that context, why does 'Segulah' - better known as Serach bas Asher - appear to reveal to Moshe where Yosef's bones are buried after he spends three days and nights searching for them? What is the 'secret of redemption' hinted to in her name?

Wow, in this same Parsha Balak, we have Segulah, Serach bas Asher, and Redemption.
Something to think about together with the djt incident.


Anonymous said...

Thanks. Very interesting; but, I know one of the most noted of the reasons that H' Buried Moshe Rabbeinu, ztl, and where no one else knows its precise location and the reason being (makes a lot of sense) is Moshe was on a caliber like no other human being ever was and because of that people would most likely (not only Jewish people) peoples from all nations would come to revere him as a god. That is the basic reason.
Interesting, just dawned on me that Moshe was a Levite; the Torah expliicitly tells us that the
Levite Tribe & its Kohanim 'belong' to Hashem and that is why they do not get portions of the Land. They are holy and serve Hashem! (Almost like angels on earth).


Neshama said...

Thank you Bracha, very interesting!

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