21 July 2024

Know Thy Enemy

Know Thy Enemy

Reflections on the 2005 Zionist expulsion of Jews by Michael Green

My watershed moment came in the summer of 2005 when Ariel Sharon and his cohorts conducted a mass expulsion of some ten-thousand Jews from Gush Katif.

Twenty-two beautiful synagogues, thousands of homes, gardens, greenhouses, yeshivas, parks, fertile fields. Young and old, women and children, hoary seniors and tender babies, mercilessly driven out of their homes in tears, clutching their Torah scrolls. Images from this traumatic day still haunt my imagination.

The biggest expulsion of Jews since the expulsion of Jews from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492 and 1496.

Except this time, it wasn't at the hand of a fanatic Catholic monarchy. This time, it was a so-called Jewish State, led by a "right-wing" prime minister. It was conducted by Jews, police and other govt. employees, who were just "following orders..

Moreover, it wasn't from distant lands of diaspora to which our ancestors were exiled. Here we were getting expelled from our own Holy Land, cruelly evicted in order to make way for a jihadist terror state for a hostile population that demanded a Judenrein land of their own purged of its Jews.

And irony of ironies: the date for this historic expulsion — that they attempted to whitewash by calling it “disengagement” and “evacuation” — was slated for August 14th, 2005, which just 'happened” to coincide with the 9th of Av, the date that marks the cataclysmic destruction of both Holy Temples and a numerous other national calamities, including the expulsion from Spain in 1492! [1]

I had spent weeks that summer on the telephone calling Israeli police officers and begging them to refuse orders to expel fellow Jews. Every single one whom I was able to reach wept on the phone and told me they agreed this expulsion is immoral and unjust. Many said they planned to call up sick that day, but none were willing to refuse orders.

I simply couldn't wrap my head around it. Jew-haters expel Jews. Since when do Jews expel Jews!?

At that point I began to wake up to the harsh reality that the Zionist State is just another assault against Jews, in fact the most insidious in history.

It has effectively weaponized the Jewish people, turning Jew against Jew, committing unthinkable crimes against their own.

If this sinister government can forcibly expel thousands of Jews and cede their beautiful synagogues, farms, greenhouses, homes, etc., to genocidal jihadists whom they created and funded, all for some alleged "greater good," then what else are they capable of doing?

When this rogue regime opened the border to those same bloodthirsty hordes and allowed eight hours of horrific slaughter, rape, torture, abductions, etc., it sadly came as no surprise.

People of Israel, I beseech you. Wake up. Your regime is your mortal enemy.

Ariel Sharon, Bibi, et al...they're just a repackaged version of Ferdinand and Isabella, Stalin and the other totalitarian mass murderers of the past century. Their job is to enslave and euthanize you, all in the name of some "greater good" of course.

It doesn't matter what their proposed "greater good" is. It might be "public health," "carbon reduction," "peace process," "diversity," or any other touted value.

Their goal is simply "depopulation," i.e. elimination of the earth's human population.

Zionism was a hoax. You've been duped. Your love for your Land has been cynically exploited. The objective all along was to enslave you under the guise of nationalist obedience and groom you for slaughter.

Wake up now.

Defy all orders. Resist. Expose their lies. ALL of them.

Your loves and the lives of your children depend on it.


[1] Signed on March 31st, 1492, the Alahambra Decree ordered all Jews to leave Spain within three days from July 31st, 1492, i.e. by August 2nd. Not coincidentally, August 2 of that year was Av 9 in the Jewish calendar.

The 1st Holy Temple had been destroyed on the 9th of Av in 423 BCE and the 2nd Temple on 9 Av, 69 CE. Moreover, the once-proud city of Better was destroyed by the Romans in 133 CE and its inhabitants slaughtered. The site of the Temple on Jerusalem was ploughed and desecrated in 9 Av of 134 CE. The Jews of England were expelled on the same date in 1290 CE.

The Children of Israel were condemned to wander 40 years in the desert on the 9th of Av, 1312 BCE.

Funny how the Zionist ruling class must happened to pick this date for their banishment and forcible removal of Jews from their homes in 2005 CE. Funny not funny.

It's time to end this cruel joke once and for all.

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