29 July 2024

Expose the Agenda


If Israel's regime was capable of perpetrating a merciless expulsion of ten-thousand innocent Jews from Gush Katif in 2005 for the sake of some "greater good," what else are they capable of?

Hmm... let's think: 

  • Might they be capable of, say, sacrificing the lives of tens of thousands of innocent Jews by forcing them to submit to a cruel medical procedure -- lethal mRNA injections -- for the sake of some "greater good?"

  • Are they capable of unjustly locking people in their homes, shutting down yeshivas and synagogues, subjecting them to extraordinary surveillance, mask mandate, nasal rape, and "vax-passport" apartheid, all based on fear mongering and conjecture but with no empirical evidence of actual risk or benefit, all for the sake of some "greater good?"

  • Could they potentially fund, arm, and maintain a terrorist mafia of genocidal jihadists that builds terror tunnels and artillery launching sites deliberately inside civilian centers, for the sake of some "greater good?”

  • Any chance they might be capable of opening the border and inviting those same genocidal jihadists to commit eight hours of unrestrained slaughter, torture, rape, and abduction on thousands of innocent Jews, for the sake of some "greater good?"

  • Would they ever expose thousands of young unsuspecting IDF soldiers to death, injury, lifelong handicap, trauma, etc., in a recklessly unnecessary and counterproductive prolonged ground battle, all for the sake of some "greater good?"

Yes, they’re sadly capable of all the above. They've demonstrated it already, repeatedly and unrepentantly, ועוד ידם נטויה.

The question we need to ask is, what else is this regime capable of?

  • Is it capable of orchestrating false-flag psyops that wreak death, terror, and trauma on its own population for the sake of a "greater good?"

  • Could it conceivably start fires or other devastation in order to displace Jews and herd them into 15-minute cities, for the sake of that "greater good?"

  • Might it ever collaborate with jihadists to the north and its Iranian backers -- just as it does with the jihadists it funds in Gaza -- and start new bloody wars in order to sacrifice more Jewish lives, all for that "greater good?"

None of these possibilities are too far-fetched given what we've seen already.

However, there's no need to speculate.

The key to answering all the above is by addressing a basic underlying question:

Is this regime capable of committing "depopulation" on any number of Jews for the sake of an alleged "greater good" like "carbon reduction" or some other undisclosed reason?

And the answer is categorically YES. Under the leadership of "right-wing" Prime Minister Itshak Shamir, the regime already signed on to the NWO "depopulation" agenda back in 1992. This sociopathic behavior is nothing new and shouldn't come a a surprise.

Israel's regime already committed to the "depopulation" agenda. We just didn't understand what this vague term meant. Now we understand.

"Depopulation" has an active connotation. It's not just about encouraging birth control.

"Depopulation" can mean lots of things, including (but not limited to):

  • induced mass suicide by lethal injection disguised as a vaccine

  • induced mass sterilization by vaccines or other pharmaceutical products

  • democide by jihadist proxy

  • induced mass deaths by inconspicuous technologies like 5G, aerial spraying, poisoned tap water or tainted food supply

Yes, "depopulation" has endless possibilities. There is no limit to what this depopulationist regime is capable of.

And if it's willing to depopulate one Jew for a "greater good," then there's no saying it wouldn't be prepared to commit "depopulation" on all six million Jews living in the Holy Land.

Hmm... depopulation of six million for the sake of a "greater good"… Where have we seen that before? Can you say déjà vu?

Please stop supporting this democidal regime.

May trouble not rise twice -- לא תקום פעמיים צרה. [Nachum 1:9].

Did you ever notice those clueless anti-Israel folks whose signs scream: “Stop the genocide, free Palestine”? Alas, they miss the point entirely. The accurate slogan ought to be: “Stop the democide. Free Israel.”

Please don't support this vile regime or complicit establishment. Expose their insidious agenda.

Instead, support the people, the rank-and-file Jews of Israel. Support my cousins who live selflessly, proudly, and courageously in Itzhar (Samaria) despite constant state surveillance and persecution.

Support the Jewish population throughout our Holy Land. Help them get armed and trained to defend themselves against genocidal and democidal assaults from without and within. Help them defend our Holy Land and holy people from its mortal enemies, first and foremost from its own illegitimate regime, and from all other tentacles of the predator class.

May Hashem save us from their hand.

Rabbi Green


Anonymous said...

Yes yes and yes. That is the plan of all evil. BUT HASHEM HAS HIS PLAN AND IT WILL UNFOLD, IS UNFOLDING AHEAD OF THEIRS....

Anonymous said...

Well said, Anon @ 11:01.
It's good to see all this truth exposed in print!
If there are those who still don't understand or get it, then they are sleepwalking.

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