16 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman: Posted on Telegram Today

The likelihood of someone being struck by a bullet in the ear in just such a way that he would walk away with light bleeding but no actual damage is statistically impossible to the point that there are only two possibilities.  Either Trump experienced a miracle of biblical proportions on live TV before the entire world, or it was all a globalist production and Trump is a phony.  There is no middle ground.

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You really believed a swamp creature would drain the swamp?

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Whoever thinks it's more likely that Trump, the fake biblical hero, was miraculously saved and was shot in the ear with a bullet in JUST THE PERFECT WAY to draw a little blood and cause zero actual damage, and then he was able to pose for the cameras in JUST THE PERFECT WAY seconds later, instead of being rushed the hell out of there, and then go play golf like nothing happened, then sure, go with that.  That's FAR MORE LIKELY than the whole thing being faked by the swamp that he is part of, by the same people who've faked so many other things, to boost the status of a fake messianic figure with a seedy history who already advanced the globalist agenda at warp speed (which Trump cultists just brush away), so he can advance it further at warp speed.

You can decide for yourself what's more likely.  Whoever wants can keep bowing to statues of Trump and believing he is your savior, if only you'll vote for him against the real bad guys that want to take him down but somehow can't manage to. Or you can drop all the idolatry and fake messianic swamp creatures.

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So you're telling me at the very moment God revealed Himself with an open miracle to save Trump, He hid Himself to let those poor innocent Trump supporters get shot?

The approved theory about what happened is ludicrous.  It requires miraculous intervention of biblical proportions, combined with God being absent, and just the right degree of incompetence to get the iconic photos.  Mine makes perfect sense.

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I really don't understand religious Jews who fall for Trump.  If you're going to make an avoda zara out of someone, even a golden calf makes more sense.

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Very few people will even seriously consider the possibility that Trump is one of them and it was all staged until an influencer with a large following from their identity camp makes it okay.  Same with all the other psy-ops.  Very few people are actually thinking for themselves at all.  They're letting other people decide for them, and then latching on as if they contributed any critical, independent thought to their own conclusions.  Sheep.
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If you got shot in the head and were saved by a miracle that you attribute to God, would you go the next day to a golf course or a holy place to serve God?  Asking for a Freemason.

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Gavriela Dvorah said...

Oh brother! He has a new conspiracy to chase. Trump is missing a piece of his upper ear, so yes, he was injured. Hence the bandage. Probably at some point, they will perform surgery to replace the missing section, or maybe he'll leave it as is as a constant reminder. Honestly, so many things are going on that need our attention, and people are obsessed with this story?? It's a distraction from the work that we need to do.

Neshama said...

You have to view the picture on his Telegram article!!
We have been red-pilled all the way with this and DJT

Anonymous said...

Neshama, I cannot access his telegram channel,
it does not allow me to preview channel, What picture he posted ? it is not his, he took it from somewhere else, from where ?
What is on that picture ?


Neshama said...

It may be that one needs to be a member, I.e. to sign in.
However I do not recommend becoming a member. All these social media ops are just for gathering info for the enemy to be used against its selected members, i.e. settlers and others.
Don’t worry.
The pic shows the “man” bent down near the floor with a squeeze tube of ketchup. [insinuating that the so-called blood is really ketchup!
And I add to this why didn’t the so-called blood turn black as all blood does when it oxidizes in the AIR?? Why was there no blood on his shirt? Or down his arm if as they say there was a lot of blood? There’s more.
Something to think about.

Yes there are many weird strange circumstances that make this whole event seem very unnatural. And since HaShem works thru ‘nature’ we might be viewing cloaked messages.

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