22 July 2024

Questions the Trumptards Won't Answer By Rabbi Weissman


You don't have to endorse the person and everything about him to give credit for a very interesting dissection of the made-for-TV assassination attempt.  

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So many people proclaim that they don't trust the media, yet they continue to turn to the media for information, and then they form very strong conclusions with serious consequences — often very quickly — that are predicated on this information.  

They are continuously turning to people who are paid by their worst enemies to lie to them for “news” and “evidence”.

They are like Charlie Brown trusting Lucy not to pull away the football this time, or believing they will be on to it if she tries. 

There must be a word for that.
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Jews who believe Trump is some sort of messianic figure will henceforth be referred to as Jews for Jesus.
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Serious question to all those who believe Trump was the beneficiary of an open miracle from God, is clearly chosen by God, and is even a messianic figure like Koresh himself.  I flatly deny all the above.  I believe he is a thoroughly wicked person, a total fraud, who is not only NOT the last great hope for America, but a carefully chosen and groomed asset to advance the Amalekite/globalist agenda even more than he already has.  

You must believe that I am denying open miracles and a clear sign from God in His Messiah.  You must also believe that I am spreading dangerous lies, even heresy, that threatens all that is good and true in the world.  

So here's my question to you: What should be done with such a dangerous heretic who refuses to see the truth and back down?
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Another serious question.  Would you bet your life that something lethal was actually fired at Trump, and he was hit by it, and was extremely close to being killed. Because you might just be doing that.
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One final question.  If the same scene happened with whatever passes for Joe Biden instead, would you believe he'd actually been shot and the red stuff was real? 

Honest, thoughtful replies from Trumptards, please.  

But there won't be any.  They are reacting the same way covid cultists reacted when confronted with serious questions.  And they just can't see it.
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An astute reader noted that Adolf Hitler himself was saved from multiple assassination attempts.  While it's true that everything comes from Hashem, and the attempts failed as part of Hashem's greater plan, the mere fact that someone was saved from an attempted murder does not render him a Messiah.

Some foolish Jews who distort the Torah to fit their desired narratives are even declaring that Trump is a modern day Koresh.  Trump derangement syndrome has officially gone biblical.  

As far as we know, Koresh did not play a vital role in bringing horrific lockdowns and poison shots to hundreds of millions of people, and still brag about it years later.  I'm also pretty sure that God's chosen one wouldn't unwittingly bring fascism and medical genocide upon humanity because he was fooled and trusted the wrong people, as his brain-dead apologists claim on his behalf.

Achashverosh was saved from an assassination plot as well!   The same man who sold the Jews to be wiped out (actually, gave them away and let Haman keep the money) and ordered the building of the Beis Hamikdash. Literally the anti-Koresh was saved from assassination.

So settle down, people, before believing every bit of theatre on the screen as a miracle, let alone a sign from heaven that God had chosen someone to save you.

The only miracle is that so many people — even "awake" people — are so incredibly stupid and gullible.  Have you learned nothing in the last five years?

I really understand now how people worshipped idolatry back in the day and fell for so many false prophets and false Messiahs.  But the bar to dupe people has REALLY been lowered.

As someone put it, we deserve better psy-ops. 

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In the near future I plan on putting together simple lessons from the Torah that are indispensable in being protected from the lies and psy-ops, without the need to slowly dissect everything before arriving at a proper perspective (if even then).   
Buy my books on Amazon here or contact me to purchase in Israel.
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Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to have to ask this, but who inserted the David Icke link? Was it you or Weisman? I need to know which of you I need to avoid. Thanks.

- Hezqi

Neshama said...

That’s ok. Rabbi Weissman provided that video and all videos in his articles.
I thought it was not Icke’s voice, and thought there were two voices, in that video spliced together.
What did you think about the article?
It’s getting more obvious day by day if one really listens to everyone trying to align and support DJT. Even astonishingly some Rabbis.

Neshama said...

Please further to your “avoidance”? I’d like to know
I like to hear from readers
Important to the blog

Anonymous said...

I usually do not click on links, but I clicked on that one just to see where it led and what he said. I've never had Facebook, so I wasn't able to see any video.

I went down the conspiratorial rabbit hole in the early to mid '90's when the Internet was just taking off before I became religious. In an odd way, that experience led me back to the derech. But, some people weren't so "lucky." My mum got involved with this guy. I just can't believe that a rabbi would need to cite such a person to validate his position. There is little to no truth there. Also, I do not know what would possess him to call people names.

- Hezqi

Anonymous said...

Though these may well be my first comments, I've been reading your blog for many years, probably since the beginning, and I appreciate your work. I don't mind people, even rabbi's, having differing views. But, I would expect those views to be based on better than the likes of Icke, and it troubles me that he would resort to name calling. That is a huge red flag for me. Fine, the rabbi has a theory that may or may not be correct. But, in my eyes, he loses credibility by tying himself to such a guy. If this is where he's getting his "information" from, it seems no better than sourcing a xtian or a flat-earther, IMHO. The world is crazy now, for sure. But, G-d is fully in control. It does not bother me at all, whether Trump is the "Eisuvian messiah" or the devil incarnate. I'm just excited to see how this all leads to geula shleimah.

- Hezqi

Neshama said...

Thank you for replying. Its good to hear that you became religious.
I also do not use those social media traps.
Just my blog and email.
About the vid, I guess it was that it would appeal to some of his readers, that are still caught in the propaganda mill. Maybe to shock them. Not sure tho.

Neshama said...

Oh, BTW it wasn't him in the video, just in case you might have thought so. Rabbi Weissman actually has a weekly Torah Class that you might like, and see him in person and listen to another side of him.

Neshama said...

Thanks again. You sound much better now. Thank you for reading my blog, so nice to hear.
Rabbi Weissman has done Am Yisroel a giant tovah when he exposed the cruel Corona episode; and again when he exposed what happened on October 7. I called him Sherlock Holmes, for his ability to see the evil being perpetrated on our Nation.
And Yes Hashem is totally in control, but not everyone can see both the Hand of Hashem and the insidious manipulations for what they are. We are in the Three Weeks now, when deep retrospection is in order. The history of our People/Nation evokes such empathy and tears at times. We long for Mashiach, the Real Mashiach IY"H

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