26 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Trojan Horses Near and Afar

 If Trumptards rationalized for Achashverosh:

He only had his wife killed because he followed the advice of the experts.

He only allowed Haman to destroy the Jews because he was tricked into following the wrong experts.

He only allowed Haman to destroy the Jews to expose Haman's evil and prevent Amalek from moving ahead with even bigger plans.

He did some good things too.  For example, he made a great party and invited everyone, and he didn't start any wars, and the economy was better.  You'd rather vote for Nevuchadnezzar's party?

He did a lot of good things for the Jews.  For example, he made sure they had kosher food and wine at the party and said really nice things about protecting them.  True, he stopped them from building the Beis Hamikdash, but he affirmed their right to be in Israel.

He was flawed, but he really wasn't a bad guy.

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See attached video.

This is some of the worst acting I've ever seen. Even Asher Weiss acts better than this.   People actually believe this was real?  THAT'S the miracle.

*   *   *

"Despite repeated IDF statements that there is enough equipment for everyone, the reports from frontline soldiers still persist, along with claims that what equipment they have been issued is frequently substandard and dangerous to use.

"Soldiers have shared videos showing equipment dated from the Vietnam era, damaged beyond use, or expired after many years in storage, and units from every part of Israel have circulated fundraising messages appealing for donations of every kind of clothing, equipment, and tactical gear, from socks to ground-penetrating radar arrays for drones

"Jewish communities and supporters from Israel from all over the world have risen to the occasion, and it is conservatively estimated that the total value of the donations to Israel has reached $1.5B. Israeli journalist Yinon Magal shared a photo of a soldier he received stating "everything I am wearing, head to toe, was donated, with the exception of my rifle."

"The commander of the Ground Forces is now promoting severe disciplinary measures for soldiers who received donated equipment, and in extreme cases the Military Police Corps would be involved. This directive has been passed to the soldiers. Some units in the Paratrooper Brigade have already received warnings that they would be court-martialed if they took any item donated."

Brought to you by the same people who sank the Altalena and murdered their own people, the same people who brutally destroyed the Jewish communities of Gush Katif and many other places, the same people who forced poison shots on soldiers (and continue to do so), the same people who confiscated weapons from the communities that were massacred weeks before the massacre, and then stood down on October 7 for hours on end (but killed many of our own people in "operational failures"), the same people who are prosecuting soldiers who DIDN'T obey on October 7, and only about a zillion other crimes against the Jewish people.

This is what they are, and this is what they have always been.

Keep supporting the IDF, sheep, and keep demanding "haredim" are forced to join so they can get maimed and killed for nothing, too.  That's surely the answer.

*   *   *

Question for everyone who still believes the people who rule Israel have good intentions, we should support them, and we just need to vote smarter next time:

What do they have to do for you to believe they are thoroughly wicked people like Haman who are enemies of the Jewish people, and the entire system is designed to enslave the Jewish people and destroy them spiritually and physically from within, while pretending to protect them?  

What does the IDF have to do to convince you that it is a curse upon the Jewish people disguised as a blessing that they have not already done?

Short of shoveling Jews into ovens, what haven't they done already to demonstrate what they really are?

Seriously, answer me that question.

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One fool claimed that "If the IDF was disbanded, Israel would be gone in days."

That statement is outright kefirah, and I told him so.

He countered with this: "Do you seriously think Arab armies wouldn't be invading if Israel had no organized means of defense?"

You mean like the organized means of defense that saved Israel from invasion on October 7, and didn't actively collaborate with our external enemies to enable the massacre?  And is currently persecuting dozens of soldiers who defied orders and defended the people that day?  Yeah, what would we do without them?  I'd love to find out.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, especially, the last few paragraphs of this post. If our people still don't get it about the treachery within the institution which exists to solely protect the citizens of Israel and its soldiers but instead is the enemy itself. Most by now know this but this must be circulated in every news coverage everywhere. This has made the whole country into sitting ducks, r'l.
We need a Pinchas now!
Kudos to the Rabbi for being one of the few Rabbis that are being truthful and is not one of
the many erev rav rabbis who dominate at this time of history.
HASHEM, HEAR OUR CRIES! Make all our enemies be vanquished forever. VICTORY to/for the real
Am Yisrael.