07 July 2024

NATION OF ISRAEL: Why are Commies so good at organizing and protesting?

Tzvi, its good to put up clips of segments of your conversations so I can post them to the blog and people can read/listen and then comment. Most people don't have hours to sit and listent to "thoughts" expressed into words. Therefore, find the following with my comments below:


IN REFERENCE TO: R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Media Fellowship (Episode #3 -- Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024). 

 I listened to the full video: 

 TZVI: Im so glad to hear the content of this program. Was the, I believe, “sacrifice” brought about by the govt. or by Shamayim? Yes, it was by both. Mord….. said it straight out, that the US told Israel to “STAND DOWN” on Shemini Atzeret! No one else could do that. 

 FRANK: As soon as someone heads in that direction to question and challenge, the “security” apparatus would quietly eliminate them, one by one. The next step would be panic and fear that would shut people up. 

The same way that all the doctors who didn’t go along with the CV agenda DISAPPEARED or DIED The same way people that the infamous American “COUPLE” (& past President) eliminated anyone who got in their way or came close to exposing them. Other politicians know about them but nothing changes. 

I believe it is NOW that there is NO LEADERSHIP because Hashem wants people to TURN TO HIM, after they exhaust their efforts in combatting the evil govt’s purpose. 

 ALSO FOR TZVI: Here is the evil “TO DO LIST” of Shalom Achshav in tearing apart Eretz Yisrael. It would be wonderful if someone could be assigned to each of their actions/efforts “TO UNDO” for each one of these plans. 


An Army to raise the QUESTIONS and CHALLENGES 

An Army to try and reverse what the PEACE NOW  has done and is doing to tear apart Eretz Yisrael

The Movement’s Positions:

• Two states for two peoples – Israel and Palestine, based on the borders of June 1967, and including mutually agreed-upon land swaps.

•Israel was established as a Jewish and Democratic state, based on the principle that citizens should not be discriminated against due to religion, race, gender, or any other reason. Peace Now supports the establishment of a Palestinian state as a means of strengthening Israel’s Jewish and Democratic values.

• Jerusalem – two capitals for two states: a solution based on the demographic distribution and a special international agreement in the Old City.

• The Settlements damage Israel’s international image. They pose an existential threat to Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state, as they are a major obstacle to any future peace agreement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing that matters is that we all understand these traitors have been at it since the establishment of the so-called Jewish State. This was the intention from the beginning and they now feel it is time for them to just take over, no matter what. We have to understand that
they are literally Erev Rav 'Amaleikim' in cahoots with the Esavian/Yishmaeli Amaleikim.
If any real Jew still does not understand that, then they are already practically mamash goyim and not Jews.
The State has had a facade of being Jewish up until about the time of the evil Oslo Accords.
Today, it is totally a non-Jewish state. By the truths now coming out full force, I believe many Jews are waking up to the reality of the traitorous evil since its beginning.
It is Hashem who is orchestrating everything so we can see the Truth. Praying this is part of the hastening of Moshiach's arrival which will at long last bring down all the evil in our Land and the world will learn the Truth of our whole existence. Evil will be completely eradicated and our enemies undone forever. All will know there is only Hashem, Ain Od Milvado!

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