09 July 2024

June 2 Speakers at The Emergency Aliyah Conference

Speeches at the Emergency Aliyah Conference III in Jerusalem 

MK Simcha Rotman on Non-Jewish Aliyah, Amending the Law of Return, Double Taxation (Heb & Eng)


 Rabbi Pruzansky on his Aliyah


Anonymous said...

Very distressing to how see that we are truly the lowest of the Jewish generations. When I hear these fine speakers have to watch what and how they want to promote
Aliya because of the assimilation and intermarriage of the majority of world Jewry.
May Hashem have mercy on our souls! It's hard to sit through and listen to what we know but
as far as I'm concerned, but hard to hear the truth of our present situation. This is worse even than the time when Ezra came to Bavel to take back the Jews from there and so few came in comparison to the number of Jews living there. He actually broke down and cried when even
the few in number that did come were married to non-Jews.
Today that seems like a drop in the bucket, Hashem Yerachem.
I know this is because of the policy of the leftist governments in EY (the medina) because these reshaim wanted purposely to take in goyim, so they allowed the law of return to simply go unheeded, wither and be forgotten. So, the non-Jews took advantage of this outrage (you can't blame them).
The blame lies totally on the leftist, G-Dless regimes, even if their numbers are the minority, they always had the power of controlling so their long-time agenda would succeed. But, in the
end, of course, they will totally fail. Eretz Yisrael is Hashem's Country and He only allows
what He deems fit and allows no-gooders to get away with a lot but in the end, these no-gooders
fail drastically and will be gone forever.
This is a very difficult time for the true Am Yisrael, but Hashem only asks of us to try and He
takes care of the rest.

Neshama said...

Yes, I agree.
However, because we are at such a low level, one must consider what can be said to reach their pintele yid. I think the speakers considered their audience and tried to make a difference.

Rabbi Weissman

  They couldn't have done this without your support Plus who the celebrity IDF lookouts are upset with, and a CHEMED's murderer'...