08 July 2024

Is There a Silver Lining to This War? Could There Be??


This is not what Rabbi Weissman would tell us, and in no way do i believe in the evil reasons of the gov. and IDF echelon that takes its orders from the side of evil in the US that is leading our Nation to disaster, all who created this war; but when one believes in HKB"H, that HE IS running the show, there must be a "silver lining" that HASHEM is preparing us for. 

The stronger Am Yisrael becomes, the greater our Geulah! AND as Rabbi Kessin strongly impressed on us TO SEEK THE HAND OF HASHEM IN ALL THAT IS GOING ON!

LOOK FOR THE HAND OF HASHEM, strengthen your Emunah and Bitachon!

google and blogger are in a tug of war with me; they keep changing their software that alters the way I am able to post information and arrange what I want. I don't seem to see this in other peoples' blogs. Just wondering!


Anonymous said...

"Is There a Silver Lining to This War? by Ari Abramowitz".

I wish I could see any. Are you blind Ari Abramovitz ?
Why do you glorify senseless deaths in Northern Gaza of Ilay Lugase and Roy Miller HaShem Yakom Damam ?
Where is the "silver lining" ?
After 9 months Northern Gaza is still firmly in the hands of the same murderous terrorists. They are hiding in their tunnels, the tunnels are intact, filled with fresh food, fuel and other supplies delivered by Israel.

The senseless deaths of our holly soldiers HaShem Yakom Damam and unimaginable pain of their families is not a "silver lining", it is a punishment to the society for being complacent. It is a wake-up call to pray harder to HaShem for Geula and to not rely on government and army. It is obvious, they cannot remove our enemies and bring shalom.

Josh said...

yes we must look at the positive, to strengthen our emuna and bitcahon, thank you for posting

Lee said...

Anonymous Anonymous, you need to put Hashem in the picture.
Hashem is the ONLY koah and has a cheshbon for each and every soldier. We cannot understand that cheshbon nor do we have to. Hashem is behind everything INCLUDING the "murderous terrorists" you mention. Our avodah is to see Hashem, connect and do teshuvah.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Neshama. But, the short video was inspiring if one just looks at the Polyana
version of the real horror of it all.
This whole episode of 10/7 brought to light the vile corruption that exists in all of the
modern day medinat Yisrael regimes. This horror (Hamas & their ilk) should have been completely destroyed immediately and by the second week of October, there should not have been even a remembrance of that area with no living Hamas beast, whether civilian or not because all the civilians there were guilty as sin. That is the TORAH WAY!
But the corrupters hate the Torah more than they do the murderous beasts. We know that just
by their participation in this whole ugly, evil episode.
May Hashem have mercy on His true people, Israel!

Anonymous said...

To Lee
Of course everything comes from HaShem.
that is what I said "it is a punishment to the society for being complacent.. It is a wake-up call to pray harder to HaShem for Geula and to not rely on government and army. It is obvious, they cannot remove our enemies and bring shalom."
Ein al mi leishaer rak be Avinu She-Ba-Shamayim - there is nobody to rely on, only our Father in Heaven.

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