24 December 2017

For Those Who Need to Know: Let the Truth Be Heard

Rabbi Yehoshua Balkany Shares Insights on Rubashkin's Commutation

I’m sorry “they” removed the video from the internet??
It’s possible a “certain Senator from NY” didn’t like it.


One side said...

Many of his comments have already been proven to be untrue. Another man with an agenda.

Neshama said...

And one side asks: Where do you arrive at that opinion?

Those who made it happen said...

Listen to the recent interview with Alan Dershowitz who we now know was one of the most instrumental people in bringing this all about.

Anonymous said...

That first commenter (one side) is the one with the untruth! For those who have been keeping up with the events from the start are the ones who know the truth. Everything the Rabbi said was true! Here, again, we see the power of the media. The saga of the Rubashkin ordeal was hardly reported; the only place you really knew what was going on was from the Jewish news sources in the States. Even from the Israeli news sources, it was hardly written or spoken about. Again, in Israel, probably only the religious Jewish news sources had anything written up about the Rubashkin case.
To deny truth when it comes to justice and a person's life is very ugly.

Anonymous said...

Is there a reason other comments were removed?

Neshama said...

I don’t know of any comments removed. If you sent one and it was not posted, please send it again.

Neshama said...

To “Those Who…” please leave a link to the video or article of Dershowitz.

And farther North of us…..

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