05 December 2017

Ancient Roman City, FOUND Sunken Beneath the Sea

This is very interesting. Why? Well….

First, what was it?

An Ancient Roman city lost for centuries below the sea FOUND perfectly intact.

What was this Roman city like?

Baiae was an ancient resort on the west coast of Italy that largely disappeared beneath the waves 1,700 years ago. The town was the resort of choice for the super-rich. The town in Naples was the resort of choice for the Roman super-rich and became notorious for its sprawling mansions. It was a place synonymous with luxury and wickedness, historians claim – a wine-soaked party town. But as the centuries passed, much of it was lost to the sea as volcanic activity caused the coastline to retreat 400m inland.

Now the site in modern-day Italy has been rediscovered and opened to divers – who found many treasures still intact. Photographer Antonio Busiello, who lives in Naples, photographed the site and found that roads, walls, mosaics and even statues had survived the ravages of time. The 45-year-old said: “The beautiful mosaics, and the villas and temples that have reemerged or are still underwater show the opulence and wealth of this area."

This is interesting because certain *coastlines are changing  and *bodies of water are receding. Plus there is a tremendous upsurge in Volcanic activity across the planet.

Source of article and photo from TheDailyStar, 
of which no link will be provided due to improper images.

*Receding Waters/Coastlines Videos (with youtube links):

Climate change NOPE! Pole shift 405 miles off (Publ on 2/8/17)

  • Ocean mysteriously recedes from various beaches in Latin America
  • 2017 Hurricane suck all the water near the Bahamas coastline
  • Hurricane Irma sucks away the Florida Gulf!
  • Receding Coastlines; a Long Dry Season
  • Sea Level Rise Is Speeding Up in Parts of the Southeastern U.S
  • Ocean Disappears In Baja CA, Mexico
  • Why is the Sea Still Receding in BRAZIL? Points to Planet X

An Entire River In Canada Has Vanished In the Span of Just Four Days:

  • For the first time in modern history, scientists have observed an entire river disappear in the space of days. The phenomenon – called river piracy – is where one river's flow is captured by another. Historical evidence suggests it usually takes thousands of years for the process to occur, but in this case the Slims River fed by Canada's Kaskawulsh Glacier was co-opted in only four days – a timeframe researchers describe as "geologically instantaneous and… likely to be permanent”.
  • River Thames Dried Up River Bed: A look along the River Thames
  • Oceans Move around South America with Lenticular Fireball Clouds


Rivka said...

You have a real knack for finding some very interesting stories, thanks.

Neshama said...

Thank you Rivka, I am interested in many things; always have been even as a child.

Anonymous said...

A lot of water/Torah arriving and concentrating itself in Eretz Israel.
To wash all avoda zara away and prepare for the big Day.
Thank you

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