06 December 2017

Seismic Anomaly Under New England – Upheaval of Warm Rock

Something BIG is Rising up from Earth Beneath New England - Seismic Anomaly Reveals!

DEC 2, 2017:

" The upwelling we detected is like a hot air balloon, and we infer that something is rising up through the deeper part of our planet under New England,” said lead author Vadim Levin, a geophysicist and professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Rutgers University–New Brunswick. 

“It is not Yellowstone (National Park)-like, but it’s a distant relative in the sense that something relatively small – no more than a couple hundred miles across – is happening.”

DEC 3, 2017: 

Mystifying sounds/frequencies being detected above AND below Earth! In recent days instruments around the world are detecting some not so typical energy patterns: (Dec 2 sound)

As viewed on MrMBB333


The following is from Dave Dobbs, who has tracked and still tracks the (200 day) cycle of NIBIRU, and relates I believe to the above video anomalies:

Published on Jun 20, 2016. As you will have no doubt already calculated, when you get a storm on the oceans of Earth's liquid magma - liquid basalt - far heavier that granite that is the lightest thing known...oddly. We're talking the biggest and most rarest type of storm that comes every three or four thousand years or so - rarely. But if such a thing was ever to come and you're thinking about Arks that floats on magma, your thinking about granite ridges and mountains. Ok? Places like the Pyrenees are made mostly of granite. Not too high mind [you] but then not too low. Difficult...but maybe not. Lot of granite in the US and UK and all over really. Although ocean floors, especially Pacific are basalt floors and that's kind of odd too. But lots of granite in lots of places. How high they are and how high they need to be, if this thing (NIBIRU System) is really coming in which is what the evidence is suggesting, no one can really tell?

So this is an estimate of the timeline with all the latest data. [VIDEO not included]

Published on Mar 29, 2016
Last night, 3-28-16 just after sunset in the western sky, I caught these objects. The first clip shows two objects, second clip, searching for the objects […] Third clip, ANOTHER separate object which COULD BE a plane but behaves very strangely. .

WHAT ARE THE CHANCES that I would get this a SECOND TIME?? Same person, same location, again likely the only one who caught it? WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT??? So AWESOME! What a Blessing! AGAIN!!


Anonymous said...

Read "The Beginning of the Redemption and the Three Final Hours":

Neshama said...

Thank you Anonymous, for helping us to do Teshuva and IY”H welcome Mashiach. Your research is invaluable to Am Yisrael.

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