16 September 2017

Posters, Bans, Rabbis' Declarations, and Now Viral Blogging

The Controversy Has Begun: 

I'm very glad this has "hit the airways". After I married I wore a wig because it was what all women in my community did. What did I know then. After a couple years, I met via email a very frum woman in BayitVegan who educated me about sheltels, their history, the terrible abandonment after WWI when many women threw off their sheitels, et al. Some time later when all this new info sunk in, I threw off my sheitel for a mitpachat (scarf or cloth covering). I was relieved and honestly I felt so much more comfortable knowing that I was abiding by Das Yehudis.

I am still in my mitpachat even though the women in my Haredi mixed area here in ERETZ YISRAEL wear wigs. How could anyone wear someone else's hair? Wearing a sheitel uplifts the feminine ego to where it does not belong. In fact after each new purchase of a new sheitel length which mostly-likely suggested by some sheitel-machers, it gets longer and longer (why everyone is wearing one, you’ll feel beautiful blah blah), next comes even shorter skirt lengths, tighter tops. We don't see this among the brave settler communities (I’m sure someone will say otherwise). Sorry to say I see it mainly among some ashkenazi religious and some new immigrants from untsnius countries (an American import as with other distortions). When I see a Sephardi woman, dressed so tsnius, I admire her. I am still formulating my wardrobe, but it is difficult because I don’t know where to shop in Israel, and how to put things together. My Mother a”h used to help me shop. Now, I need a “professional shopped” to help me here.

When all this is put forth for Yiddishe Neshomas to take in, most of the time it is met with astonishment, combative replies, and arguments. Receiving this information is challenging and deeply personal I agree, but one should look deep within and do their own honest research (and as Reb Akiva says, “ask your Rav”) not to bolster their own opinion, but to find the truth from our recent history of our Nation.  

A mitpachat stimulates modesty within a Jewish woman's neshoma. This is where she needs to be to raise erliche frum boys and girls, and being a successful homemaker. Fortunately, the Rabbonim are very sincere and bothered by all this. As far as I know, they are sensitive to and not wanting to hurt or offend women, but Its a fact who’s time has come. 

Let me add that the sheitel business does not have to suffer, just change to a more kosher product as long as women will wear them.

I believe one should be against improper untsnius bedecked women, risque hair covering, immodest clothing, and unbecoming behavior in public. I am embarrassed by this type of non-Jewish behavior. We all need to improve in our own sensitive areas, because as time flies by, each generation falls lower and lower. They are now infecting children with repulsive "educate your children about their gender". The evil is rampant. We must protect the Jewish home for future Kosher Jewish generations. 

What will Mashiach find when he finally arrives?

SEE ALSO: Geula613

AND Your Wife's Real Hair Sheitel

1 comment:

mg said...

Moshiach will find beautiful tznius women who wear sheitels, tichels and scarves.

Without any disrespect to the gedolei Israel, rather than attacking wig wearing women, they should focus on encouraging women to wear clothes that are b'tznius. So they cover their with a long sheitel (I don't), ok. But BH they cover their hair. .

For me, I choose not to wear a tichel or scarf because my hair most of the time falls out when I wear one. My sheitel ensures that my hair is totally covered. Also, I follow the Lubavitcher rebbe who strongly emphasized that wearing a wig is preferable to wearing other hair coverings for the reason I mentioned above. The LR even proclaimed that a woman will be blessed with healthy children whom will follow in Hashem's ways.

During Elul, it is our obligation to do teshuva and to not begrudge anybody. It is so easy for us to look down on others, and think we are more frum than them. Is that what Hashem wants from us? Rather finding what divides us let's find what unites us.

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