03 July 2024

TORAH HALACHA......HERO CHARGED: If they rise up and come to kill you, you KILL THEM FIRST!

not arrested and then let free because there is no room in the jails

Soldier arrested on suspicion of murdering 
captured(?) Nuhkba Force ARAB terrorist

May HaShem guard and protect this holy soldier from evil Erev Rav


Who are those who investigate, how many are they, what are their sourceshow do they monitor those things, do they have sources on the other side ? are they actually in Gaza, doubt it? Did they investigate the other side ? when they blow up our soldiers 

HaShem Yikom Damam.
HaShem Ad matai ?????????????

A 20-year-old soldier was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of murdering a terrorist from the Hamas Nuhkba Force who had been captured.

Channel 12 News reported that the soldier, who served in the Kfir Brigade, was arrested at his home and will be brought tomorrow for a hearing on the extension of his detention.

In his defense, the suspect claimed: "On October 7, my friends and I went down south. We saw a fierce battle that was going on between the Yamam soldiers and the Nukhba terrorists. Unfortunately, some of our soldiers were killed. We continued to fight and eliminated the terrorists."

The investigator responded, "You yourself interrogated a terrorist in the field, then you shot him in the head. That's why you're suspected of murder."

The soldier maintained, "I did not murder any terrorist, but I eliminated the terrorists who were there and shot at us."


ME:  OCTOBER 7 = YOU didn't stop the slaughter, YOU stood back and didn't rescue Israelis being viciously murdered, YOU the military echelon, ground, air, and sea! And now you want to LYNCH an Israeli for doing what you were supposed to do under Universal War Laws?? YOU should be brought to trial not this HERO!


AK said...

This does not surprise me at all. All of the security services (shin bet, Mossad, Police, Army) are run by Anti-G-d Amelekites. They are not Jews, and do not care if Jews are safe or not.

Neshama said...

This comment was seen on Reb Dov’s blog, Daysofawe:

"Blogger Gavriela Dvorah said...
This is because of the new law that says our soldiers are not allowed to terminate terrorists or "civilians" acting as terrorists. So, we can't execute them, we can't jail you understand now this geula?? The harshest of all, but according to what is written, it should be short-lived. BTW, they have also petitioned the bagatz -- the court of traitors--that all injured Gazans should be brought to Israeli hospitals for free treatment. Let's see how the traitors deal with this one."

Neshama said...

AND I SAY, “Its beyond ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’”
if it happens and is not just fake news to drive us bananas!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Neshama for another wonderful expose' of the insanity and cruelty of the Erev Rav
Amaleikim in charge. They are doing exactly the opposite of Torah Law on everything. Their treatment of the brutal beastly terrorist enemy is the epitome of insanity but for them it is
their credo, because they are LITERALLY NOT JEWS!
Every soldier or civilian who kills (not murders) an inhuman beastly terrorist should be given
the medal of honor!
But this evil insanity must cease ASAP and I hope it really will, because we are so close to the Ultimate Geula Shleimah!

Yeshivas Rabbi Akiva