12 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Praying for the wrong thing...and an interesting lead


How powerful are prayers really?

What did King Shlomo pray for regarding the prayers of gentiles at the Beis Hamikdash, and why?

What happens if you pray for the wrong thing?

And here's the kicker: Why must those who pray for the IDF modify their prayers immediately?

This week's Torah class, with a wealth of illuminating Torah sources, is available here.

*   *   *
I came across something very interesting but it requires serious journalism that is beyond my scope.  It starts with this garbage propaganda from the fake-Jewish Mockingbird media: AFTER DEATH OF BABY: Israeli MD: “Why Do Parents Who Love Their Children Expose Them To Deadly Diseases?”

The report quoted Dr. Maurit Beeri, a pediatrician and the director of ALYN Rehabilitation Hospital for Children and Youth, who slammed parents who neglect their children by refusing to vaccinate them.

I looked up ALYN Rehabilitation Hospital for Children and Youth...they received a large grant from the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust...Leona Helmsley was an interesting person for sure...

The fund is giving out huge grants in the medical world...and they have a particular interest in Israel:

Maybe it's all innocuous, maybe not. I don't know.  But maybe someone wants to look into it and share what they come up with.

If nothing else, it's just another example of the massive, massive money behind the curtain with these hospitals and the people giving quotes in the controlled media.

*   *   *

“Brain Dead” is NOT Dead! LIVE people are murdered daily for organs and to “save money”

There's no greater conflict of interest than doctors and hospitals whose job it is (supposedly) to prolong your life also having a massive financial interest in your life ending as soon as possible.
Here's a chilling thought: If the information in this and similar reports is true (and I tend to believe it is), Leo Dee's wife wasn't actually murdered by the Arabs who shot up her car...but in the hospital.

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moshe said...

Again, on spot. Everyone should know that the bottom line, as usual, is the MONEY!

Anonymous said...

Everyone by now knows the bottom line is MONEY. The medical profession is probably at the top
of that list! To them, it's not about human life but it's just business.
That's why, it is written that every doctor has a portion in gehennom. So very wise were our

Rabbi Avrohom Gurwicz: If Secular Studies Law Passes In Britain, Jews Must Leave Country

that’s the right idea!  Rabbi Avraham Gurwicz, head of the Beis Yosef Yeshiva in Gateshead, England , and one of the senior Roshei Yeshiva i...