18 July 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Crucifying the false messiah

Whoever thinks it's more likely that Trump, the fake biblical hero, was miraculously saved and was shot in the ear with a bullet in JUST THE PERFECT WAY to draw a little blood and cause zero actual damage, and then he was able to pose for the cameras in JUST THE PERFECT WAY seconds later, instead of being rushed the hell out of there, and then go play golf like nothing happened, then sure, go with that. 

That's FAR MORE LIKELY than the whole thing being faked by the swamp that he is part of, by the same people who've faked so many other things, to boost the status of a fake messianic figure with a seedy history who already advanced the globalist agenda at warp speed (which Trump cultists just brush away), so he can advance it further at warp speed.

You can decide for yourself what's more likely.  Whoever wants can keep bowing to statues of Trump and believing he is your savior, if only you'll vote for him against the real bad guys that want to take him down but somehow can't manage to. Or you can drop all the idolatry and fake messianic swamp creatures.
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You really believed a swamp creature would drain the swamp?

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So you're telling me at the very moment G-d revealed Himself with an open miracle to save Trump, He hid Himself to let those poor innocent Trump supporters get shot?

The approved theory about what happened is ludicrous.  It requires miraculous intervention of biblical proportions, combined with God being absent, and just the right degree of incompetence to get the iconic photos.  Mine makes perfect sense.

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Very few people will even seriously consider the possibility that Trump is one of them and it was all staged until an influencer with a large following from their identity camp makes it okay.  Same with all the other psy-ops.  Very few people are actually thinking for themselves at all.  They're letting other people decide for them, and then latching on as if they contributed any critical, independent thought to their own conclusions.  Sheep.

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I really don't understand religious Jews who fall for Trump.  If you're going to make an avoda zara out of someone, even a golden calf makes more sense.

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If you got shot in the head and were saved by a miracle that you attribute to G-d, would you go the next day to a golf course or a place of worship to serve G-d? 

Asking for a Freemason.
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Encouraging message I received from a medical professional who initially defended Trump and criticized me:

“It's like a square white pad stuck onto his ear. What is keeping it there? If there's a wound it would be wrapped, no? AROUND his head. Instead it seems a bit theatrical plopped onto the outside.

“Is that how you bandage a bullet wound? I'm feeling distinctly pissed off.

And then:

“Chananya-- Rabbi- I stand corrected. You are 100% right. I'm furious. This is beyond the pale. How stupid do they think we are?
Obviously, very.
A medical professional friend agrees with me this is NOT how you bandage a bullet wound.
An otherwise intelligent lawyer told me he had tears watching this video.
I'm just speechless at the psychosis. This is frightening and enraging. Someone has to call BS."

Of course, a wrap-around bandage would spoil the invincible godlike image they're aiming for.  This is just right.

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Devil's advocates and thoroughly brainwashed Trump cultists making it make sense:

The Secret Service was extremely incompetent, maybe even treasonous.  Trump barely survived thanks to incredible good fortune or a miracle.

Also: It's perfectly reasonable that Trump took his sweet time getting out of there and remaining exposed to gunfire so he could shake his fist and yell “Fight”.  After all, the same incompetent, possibly treasonous Secret Service people that let him almost get his head blown off assured him that there was only one shooter and the shooter was down.

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Acceptable conspiracy theory:  The Secret Service, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Iran, the donut shop owner down the block and his dog conspired to assassinate Trump.

Unacceptable conspiracy theory: It was staged and Trump was in on it.

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Speaking of psy-ops...

You would think after thousands and thousands of supposedly successful interceptions, there would be SOME spectacular footage of rockets getting tracked and blown to bits.  But nothing...just excuses from "experts" that the rockets become invisible, like Klingon warships with cloaking devices. 

But this was visible, and totally not doctored:

I know, someone you know is paid to lie to you 24/7 told you it's true.  

Separate from the monsters and their lies once and for all, and don't go back.
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drbsd said...

Look . I’m not American. . Trump it’s not mashiach. He is not my president etc etc. I even like conspiracy theories, but this guy Chanania is a professional conspiracy theorist much bigger than Alex Jones. He is sometimes out of reality. He didn’t even spare Rab Kanievski zl, or Rab Itzjak Yosef shlita. Is he crazy? We all leave Covid in the past but he has fixation with this issue because it projected him to fame. .For speaking bad about our Rabis I don’t forgive him. Trump was shut in the face and almost killed. Please I like your blog but be selective regarding what you publish about Chanania. I hope you publish this comment.

Anonymous said...

To drbsd:
I hope you are not going to get upset with me.
Concerning Rab Kanievsky zl, he did not blame him, he was saying that the messages and approval from Rav Kanievsky were not genuine, but from people close to the Rav.

I think we should not get upset with other people opinions.
I am not always agree with Rabbi Weissman or other people, it is not necessary to always have the same point of view.

I also like Neshama's blog and I think she can publish whatever she finds interesting. We can always comment .... right ?


Neshama said...

Thank you Victoria.
Yes we are reading a great deal of tension in peoples’ comments.
There are also bloggers who resort to name calling when not necessary

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