02 July 2024

Judea & Samaria War Continues — שבט בנימין

 Synagogue desecrated in town of Eli
Residents are still trying to figure out who smeared feces on their synagogue and why.

Residents of the Neve Shoham neighborhood in the Binyamin Region town of Eli arrived at morning prayers on Sunday and were shocked to find parts of their synagogue smeared with feces.

The excrement was found, among other places, on the doors, on the electronic notice board, and on a flag that was in the room.

The town opened an investigation to find who desecrated the synagogue and what their motives were and submitted a complaint to the police.

Avidan Beit Yaakov, the chairman of the Eli Council, told Arutz Sheva-Israel National News: "We submitted a report to the police, we don't know of any conflict or any religious or nationalist incident in this regard. We have no idea what the direction is and why this happened.


Forensics: take samples to determine contents that might indicate either Arab or Jew?There is a slight difference in diets.


moshe said...

Reading all this just bring tears to my eyes! A living nightmare; where is leadership, where is the will to survive and mostly where is the will to sanctify G-D's Holy Name!

Neshama said...

I don’t see where the Israelis themselves will be able to bring together the differing flags in order to end this gov and all that perpetrated covid and oct 7, and bring them to a military court those who have had control over the gov, the medical facilities (drs & nurses) and the military in order to punish those who did evil against Jews?

Then we need Mashiach or a preliminary group to wrestle control and begin to implement corrections and solutions! What about “citizen arrests”? Or maybe there is a UNiversal clause that this group could enact?


While many are trying to foster some type of unity it’s met with a political counter attack!!

Yeshivas Rabbi Akiva