04 October 2023

STRANGE TIMES: Fake Meat, Fake Kosher


Strange times.

Without a shred of medical training, Bill Gates has oddly become the recognized worldwide "expert" on "pandemics" and all things medical.

However, even more oddly, this eugenicist computer geek has now been deemed the foremost expert on kashruth, Torah ethics, and human survival by none other than the Orthodox Union!

In a shocking new development, rabbis of the OU just put their seal of approval on the billionaire sociopath's net-zero theosophy. [1]

That's right. Obsession over "population reduction" and dystopian control of the food chain have now been certified "kosher.”

In a stunningly unorthodox move, the Orthodox Union certified fake meat (i.e. lab meat) as kosher, but it isn't. It's just fake-kosher.

The Orthodox Union has entered into an unholy heterodox union with pseudo-science investor Bill Gates! Or is it now “Rabbi Bill Gates?” Sheesh.

How could one rely on the kosher certification of a rabbinic entity that's no longer kosher??

How can it be that democide now bears an Ⓤ!?

Indubitably, Bill Gates owns the Orthodox Union. Or whoever owns Bill Gates owns the OU too.

In kabalistic parlance, the Orthodox Union has plummeted all 49 (Bill) Gates of Impurity.

The standards of "Orthodox Judaism" are in free-fall. Oy vey.

Rabbi G from Rabbi G’s Newsletter



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