23 October 2023

About that Floating Mikdash:

i.e. Noach’s Ark:  "The dimensions are given in Bereishit 6:14: 300 amot (cubits) long; 50 amot wide and 30 amot high. That, in modern terms, is approximately 564’ x 95’ x 56’ (according to the Chazon Ish) – the length of two football fields, the width of five giraffes standing on each other’s head, the height of a seven-story apartment building."


replica of the Mikdash in Shilo*

"Only twice does the Torah give exact measurements, the first time in our parsha – the exact measurements of the Ark, and the second, in the Book of Shemot – the exact measurements of the Mishkan and its components."

"The Ark was not a vessel, it was a floating Mikdash.

You may want to re-read this Shiur at The Floating Mikdash

*Shiloh Musings

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