25 October 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Update on the war against us from within


Today's Torah class is once again filled with timely lessons from Tanach and Chazal: Avraham's World War and Our Own

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Israel's security and intelligence services listen in on phone calls in Gaza but missed a year's worth of phone calls from people planning the invasion.  They know when someone flushes a toilet in Tehran, but had no idea this attack was going to happen, and couldn't muster a response for 8 hours even while half the country knew it was happening in real time.  That's what we are supposed to believe without thinking about it, because NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO ASK QUESTIONS.

Here is testimony (in Hebrew) from Jewish fighters who defended their kibbutz on their own.

English summary:

Local residents who defended their kibbutz from invasion testify about what happened. The attacks began before 7 AM, which contradicts the official timeline (yet again). The terrorists came heavily armed with RPG's and grenades, far more than the weapons the local security had to defend the kibbutz. The Jewish fighters were in touch with army officials who said they were aware of the attack, but help was NOT on the way and they should do the best they can.

These brave men held off the attackers in a fierce firefight at close range, mere meters from their homes, for 7 hours without any support from the IDF. They could offer no explanation for why the IDF did not assist in all that time.

They also testified that there were helicopters in the sky, but they did nothing to protect the citizens who were under attack. Again, no explanation.

The intention was for all these people and their families to be slaughtered and their community destroyed. There is no other explanation. Deal with it.

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Someone shared with me a horrific video, even more horrific than most of the horrific videos of the massacre that are available.  I put it up on Rumble with a strong warning for viewer discretion, because the truth needs to be made public.  I myself only listened but did not watch. 

Within minutes the video was removed from Rumble without any notification from them.  That never happened before.  We can only speculate if the intentions in doing so were honorable or not.

In any case, the video shows Arab savages filming themselves cutting open a 20-year-old pregnant Israeli girl, taking out her baby, torturing them, cutting their heads, and burning them.

They knew they would have the time to commit such unspeakable atrocities without concern that a heavy IDF response would be arriving any moment. They could only know this if it were coordinated, if they were ALLOWED to do this as part of a larger agenda. This was coordinated at the highest levels. There is no other explanation.

The enemy from within is the most dangerous enemy of all. 

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Here is another testimony (in Hebrew) from another Jew literally living on the front lines in the Shomron.  He relates that "security agencies" ignored pleas for help from residents that Arabs were staking out their community.  They finally took matters into their own hands and drove them away.  The 'security agencies" reacted by ordering them to refrain from such things and remain in their homes, otherwise their weapons would be confiscated.

I'm not a posek, but It seems to me that if deep state agencies and other traitors in uniforms try to confiscate weapons from vulnerable Jewish settlements, they would have the status of enemy combatants. Can someone ask Asher Weiss?  He hasn't answered my emails.

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If I were in charge I would come to an immediate agreement with the Fakestinians.  They want to be martyrs, and I would assist them in achieving that goal.  Then there would be a lasting peace.  Everyone's happy.  You're welcome.


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Gavriela Dvorah said...

I refuse to believe that our government, and the armed forces and security services, as flawed as they are, would deliberately allow a massacre to happen. However, we all know that the IDF was sent to Judea and Shomron to deal with the "settlers" and ensure there was no violence happening between them and the fakestinians during the Chag and Simchat Torah. Especially the latter, when there is much celebrating inside the shul and on the streets. Other security forces were looking for Jewish terrorists. And others were occupied with keeping the peace between the evil army of Ehud Barak and normal citizens of Tel Aviv and other cities. So, they weren't around. There is also testimony of IDF units arriving much earlier than this report indicates, and that helicopters did fire on the evil ones. So, I think there is a lot of confusion and for sure, it should ever have happened at all. But to suggest that the government deliberately allowed the massacre of its citizens is dangerous propaganda and not appropriate at this time, when our very existence is at risk (in the gashmiyut level, that is). HKBH is in control and all of our people who were murdered that day are sitting in Gan Eden. Hashem will return our captives and He will settle accounts.

Neshama said...

Unfortunately you haven’t read ALL the incriminating evidence.
The picture is not a good one
Intel supports much of the awful assertions!

You have a good heart and don’t want to believe it. I wish also that it’s not true.
But it appears so blaringly obvious.
All the govt bodies are “confessing” now to ease the results if we ever have confirmation
Another thing that is “obvious” is the JB push for 2 s........ solution (actually JB and O’s final solution) which is why JB KEEPS STALLING THE GROUND INVASION! Evil JB and Blinky!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

I agree with you about Biden. In the beginning he appeared to be supportive and made no mention of "two states" but now he is not only constantly talking about "two states" but yesterday he made a blood libel against Jews living in Judea and Shomron. So what happened? The "squad" made a threat that they would prevent him from getting top spot on the democratic ticket because of his support for Israel. That scared him. He doesn't care about us, or Israel. What he cares about his keeping his butt in the White House. However, the people really scared were the puppets pulling his strings and especially the true manipulator, the man behind the curtain, Barak Ombamba, the Muslim running America. On the other hand, we're not anxious for a ground invasion right now. Chas v'shalom that is a very dangerous maneuver. We've been sending in small units and they're softening the landscape and conducting intelligence. We don't need a repeat of D-Day, chas v'shalom!

Neshama said...

I post Rabbi Kahana’s shiur on my blog, so I have read him.
Also in my reply to you I also mentioned “O” leading the imbecile JB

I think we have to realize that Hashem is moving the chess pieces around to get the optimal position to do what HE wants to do. We just have to wait. (we are only getting updated glimpses of those pieces).

Keep in touch, your perspective is valuable

Neshama said...

Gavriela Dvorah, I just love that last line in your comment to Reb Dov:
"What we need is a leader willing to say to the US, who unfortunately is our sole source of the weapons we need (we could turn to Russia, of course) is something like what Golda Meir said...either you send us the conventional weapons we need to win this war or we'll use our special stock and Aza will be like Chenobyl for a little while.”

Bring it on!!

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