28 October 2023

A Comment on another blog - Middah K'neged Middah

 I left off the name bc I didn’t ask permission. It’s so relevant cannot be ignored!

It boggles the mind, at least some of our minds, that our Jewish brothers and sisters are so blind to the very explicit manner in which HK"BH conveys His messages to us. One does not need to be a massive Talmid Chacham that understands complicated pages of Talmud or the Esoteric teachings of The Zohar, to recognize the clear "Measure for Measure" that Hashem is showing us.

Allow me to reveal the unapologetic hypocrisy of those that have disdain and resentment toward The Charedim. And by the way, I do not refer to the completely secular and unreligious...I refer to those that are "on the fence", the more "modern" of our religious people.

How many of us were outraged when the Secretary General of the U.N. openly criticized Israel, stating that these atrocities were not committed as a result of a "Vacuum". In other a result of the way Israel and it's inhabitants have treated the "Palestinians" ( I hate using that term) , Israel had brought this upon herself! Israel, what do you expect is going to happen to you when you treat these people with utter disdain. When you refuse to let them into your country. When behave with such elitism. You ignore them. You make them do all the hard work around the country. You treat them like 4th class citizens!

You shun them!!! You are to blame. And we know this attitude is shared by EVERYONE. Yes, even those that are "supporting" us in this war. They have made it very clear to Israel, that they can no longer ignore the "plight of the palestinians". Israel....this is the last straw. We're supporting you now, but you have to promise us that going forward you have to change your ways. No more separating yourselves from them. You must live side by side with the Arabs and be COMPLETELY ACCEPTING OF THEM AND THEIR WAYS!
Almost every Jew is appalled by the notion that "We brought this upon ourselves"

Hmmm....that sounds so familiar. I'm sure that I am not the only one that sees the clear and exact "Messaging".

Lets change the names of the parties. Lets use Charedim and Secularists. Here's how it goes.

Charedim, while the Secularists were wrong to desecrate Siddurim and Chumashim. And it was inappropriate of them to disturb religious services on Yom Kippur. And they get a little out of hand when they "crash" your "gender separate" gatherings. You should know....that you Charedim brought this upon yourselves. The Secularists didn't just start resenting you for no good reason. This hatred for Charedim didn't occur in a VACUUM!!!!!!

Shall I continue?

Should we as a People, as a Nation that represents Torah...Emet in the world, expect the Nations of the world to see the abhorrent injustices committed against us, yet we are exempt from recognizing such plain Truths? Can we stay silent while the Charedi/ True Torah abiding community is blamed for the injustices of the rest of the country? Should we just ignore the call for all Charedim to lay down their Gemarrahs ....and stop inciting the rest of Israeli society into poor behavior?

Middah K'neged Middah
Measure for measure.
Get it?

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