29 October 2023

ELDER OF ZION – Let’s Talk About Morality

 The world yells hypocritically about morality, but ….

[…] To put it bluntly, if (God forbid) Israel's destruction of Hamas means killing every single Gazan because of Hamas' policies of using them as pawns and human shields,  it does not detract from Israel's obligation to destroy Hamas one bit.

In the final analysis, Israel has every right to do whatever it takes to destroy Hamas.  Even though Hamas is said to have four months of supplies underground, Israel is allowed to block all aid (if iit chooses) to starve out Hamas, even if it also starves the Gaza civilians, if there is a likelihood that Hamas will steal the aid supplies and use it for war rather than for its civilians. (Even the US Army laws of war manual says this, explicitly.)  It sounds unbelievably harsh - and this is why Israel is trying to divide Gaza to allow civilians to flee to the South and allow aid only there, at least for the first stages of the war - but the overriding imperative to destroy Hamas means that any Gazans who starve because Hamas steals their food and fuel is the responsibility of Hamas, not Israel


Anonymous said...

Being kind to the cruel will bring being cruel to the kind! Am Yisrael lives by Torah Law!

Anonymous said...

Annoymous at 20:23

You speak truth.


Gd keep safe His people, His Chosen.

I am praying for Am Israel too.

May Hashem hear my prayers too.


A Noahide, follower of Hashem ONLY.


Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...