22 October 2023

Rabbi Weissman — Critical Information

 The Judenrat Destroying Israel Under Our Noses — Critical Information

While everyone is distracted buying food and underwear for the IDF (Support Our Soldiers!) and arguing with idiots on social media (Defend Israel!), the Erev Rav who temporarily rule over our land are busy making large swaths of the country Judenrein under the pretext of protecting them.  Many tens of thousands of Jews have already been turned into refugees, wards of the state, while their homes are left abandoned and their cities turned into ghost towns.

That was the idea all along.  

Terrorizing people into compliance, making them beg to be taken away from their homes and cities, is the most efficient way to cede control of our land.  The PR machine and Shabak-friendly rabbis can even make it into a mitzvah!  Open up your home!

The same people who were too incompetent to put one Apache helicopter in the air for 8 hours while there was a massive invasion and thousands of Jews in 2 dozen communities were being slaughtered, raped, mutilated, and driven many kilometers through open land to a hellhole in Gaza, while it was being gleefully livestreamed...yes, those same people are disarming border communities and have "evacuated" tens of thousands of Jews from all over the south and north with German efficiency, where they will now be refugees living in concentrated areas, large ghettos if you will.  

All for their own protection and the greater good, of course.  They will own nothing and be happy.

And these same people are still giving orders to hundreds of thousands of Jewish soldiers currently stationed outside a death trap, far from their vulnerable homes.  How comfortable are you with that?

Thankfully, our good friends in America, who always have our back, have sent warships and many thousands of soldiers, so just in case something unfortunate were to happen to our soldiers, they could take over and protect us.

Stop reading the propaganda, and stop bending over backwards to rationalize this as good intentions or incompetence.  It's well-planned, highly coordinated evil, plain and simple.  And stop being hung up on “why would they do this?”  Whether or not you can be absolutely certain of the motive, they did it and they're doing it.

*   *   *

If what you can see with your own eyes isn't proof enough, if your brain is still addled by all the conditioning and propaganda, if you still can't separate yourself from the cultish rituals of Stockholm Syndrome, see the attached documents in Hebrew and English.  They contain critical information about the playbook to destroy our "settlements" from within, using Arab terrorism as the mechanism to slaughter the defenseless residents and terrorize whoever managed to survive into leaving.  Please share this vital information with everyone in Israel.

*   *   *

Original post here.  English translation:

Tonight there will be no one to watch over my family and my settlement. The only long weapon we had on the hill was taken today by the brigade after they received instructions from the GSS.. They bragged and apologized and said they trust me 100% but they don't have the strength to fight with the GSS.

Anyone who knows me a little knows that I'm "extreme" with love for the country and very focused only on positive Zionist action: building and planting, etc... The last one looking for attractions and chaos.

I've run out of words already from this crazy situation. Only in the last week there have been over 10 shootings here and countless attempts to hurt... And we are not allowed to protect ourselves at the minimum level!

Before it's too late bring back your guns now!!

Amishav Melt Redemption Zion.

*   *   *

At what point did the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto come to the realization that they had more to lose by continuing to be docile and follow instructions than to fight?  

At what point did the Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, and other death camps decide they would rather risk dying today to rise up against their oppressors than keep their heads down and hope tomorrow would be better?

What pushed them over the edge?

What made them cross the line?

Now IS the time to ask questions.

*   *   *

Israel is displacing tens of thousands of Jews from dozens of cities and communities all over the north and south of the country.  They are turning large cities into ghost towns and families with homes into refugees.  Instead of disarming (and destroying) the people who are firing rockets into these areas, they are disarming small settlements surrounded by well-armed Arabs waiting for the order to slaughter the Jews.

As rockets continue to penetrate deeper into the country, it is clear that liquidating (surrendering) cities near the border and concentrating tens of thousands of Jewish refugees into the center “for their own protection” indefinitely is a farce.  

Since the “leaders” of Israel have established that rocket fire is a valid pretext for liquidating cities, and since rockets can reach anywhere in the country, it is clear what must be done.  The entire land must be liquidated of Jews for their own protection.  

But where should they all go?



drbsd said...

Proof of all this? You have lots of imagination. If you think you are correct prove it, otherwise this is just a conspiracy theory.

Anonymous said...

Reminder, nazis infiltrated in Israel after wWII (maybe that was a real strategy of the then
erev rav and the nazis to begin with). Why aren't the people waking up to what is in front of their eyes? Why are the soldiers so complacent and allowing the higher echelons in the IDF to give these sick orders to commit suicide, c'v. This evil is beyond normal evil, these are demonic evil forces from the nether world. WAKE UP AM YISRAEL.
BLESS Rabbi Chananya for his courage and ahavat Yisrael. May all our prayers, saying Tehilim & doing Mitzvot be a protection for every Jewish soldier in the IDF and protection for every Jewish neshama in the Land of our forefathers, Eretz Yisrael, that belongs ONLY to the Bnai Yisrael and to NO ONE ELSE!
Everything is now clear as crystal: WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!

Neshama said...


JNS reported that 500,000 Israelis have already been displaced.

That's about 15% of Jews in Israel, now refugees.  Insane.

Neshama said...

Correction, about 7%, but the point stands. It's devastating. There is no way families, businesses, and cities can survive that.

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