24 October 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Bilam's final prophecy and much more


Tonight was part 10 of my series on Bayis Sheni and Redemption.  We learned more striking messages from Zecharya for Jews who are too frum to make aliya, and "religious Zionists" who go hog wild on Yom Ha'atzma'ut and struggle with Tisha B'av.  Something to offend everyone!

The recording is available here
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That's about 7% of all the Jews in Israel, who are now refugees for their own "safety".  Families, businesses, and cities cannot survive this way.

Not that he actually did it, but if he did, Amiram Ben Uliel should be appointed the general of a Jewish army, and the useless dung who stood down while our people were being slaughtered should get out of the way.  They have lost any right to give our people orders.

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The leading cause of death is unwillingness to be disobedient.

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Bilam's final prophecy:
וְצִים מִיַּד כִּתִּים וְעִנּוּ אַשּׁוּר וְעִנּוּ עֵבֶר וְגַם הוּא עֲדֵי אֹבֵד 

“And ships [will come] from the hands of Kittim and they will afflict Assyria and they will afflict Ever, and he too will be destroyed forever.” (Bamidbar 24:24)

The Kittim are equated by many commentaries with Edom (Rome, the western world), and Ever is a reference to Israel.  Many commentaries also specifically reference this prophecy to the downfall of Gog Umagog.

In unrelated news, our good friends in both the United States and China are busy sending warships to Israel.  Buckle up and enjoy the show.  There's no place I would rather be.

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I received the following story. Take it or leave it as you choose.  I'm just sharing it.  

*True story* 

Please forward to as many Jewish women and girls as possible!

The great Rav Shalom Arush received a story from his daughter who heard it from her secular friend. This secular friend despite her distinct lifestyle dedicated time with his daughter, participating in special mitzvah events like hafrashat challah. October 7th, on that fateful day, her friend was amongst the hundreds who planned their day at the music festival. Unlike the majority of the civilians at the music festival, her friend dressed modestly. Her sleeves covered the required length and all other areas were covered appropriately.  

Only 1 mile away from the Gaza border a surprise attack was underway, as hundreds of Hamas militants  began terrorizing the crowd of civilians left and right, a gunman terrorist approached Harav Shalom's daughter's friend. He looked at her and in Hebrew said "What are you doing here! You don't belong  here, this is not your place, run run go!" 

And just like that the friend fled and was free from death and horror. The same terrorist continues his rampage and aims his weapons at other victims. The same terrorist who presumably murdered dozens of others, singled her out. Stunned and marveled at the miraculous circumstances she shared this story to her religious friend. Yes this is an unbelievable story that chills me each time when I hear it, but it is absolutely true. 

Dear Jewish nation. This is a story not only for the books, it is a story very relevant to all us young and old. Hashem is shaking up the world with a strong, important and serious message. Jewish daughters, crown yourself with Modesty, this is your true protection. Not the gun in your hand and not the vest on your chest or the tanks in the field. The way you dress significantly determines your holy status! This girl was dressed modestly and her life was spared. 

Let's take a look at the clothes in our wardrobe. Hashem is looking at us each day. You look in the mirror each day. Ask yourselves. Is Hashem proud of what He sees? Are you proud of what you see? Hashem loves Am Yisrael and He wants us to do good deeds and practice the Torah the right way! Let's follow the footsteps of our holy ancestors and change our ways to merit the protection and success of the holy nation of Israel! This is the time! Your deeds can bring mashiach faster!  

mashiach faster!  👑

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They didn't teach us this in modern Jewish history class...

For more, see my interview with Steve Rodan, author of In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany, here.
Download Tovim Ha-Shenayim as a PDF for free!
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I append this video bc of Rav Arush’s daughter’s secular friend’s experience:

1 comment:

Myrtle Rising said...

Amazing & inspiring story of chizuk!

I hadn't heard this one. Thanks so much for sharing it.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...