22 October 2023

Checkpoints Being ‘Loosened' ……. Inviting Terror Attacks?

Military checkpoints in Judea and Samaria are opened at different times of the day without prior warning. Many residents told Arutz Sheva-Israel National News that they noticed the infuriating phenomenon, especially in the Etzion bloc area, and this was done without clear instructions from the army.

The residents even took the initiative and started erecting independent checkpoints without permission from the army when they saw that the army did not respond with an adequate solution.

Ma'ale Amos, Efrat, and the Herodion are just several of the checkpoints that the army removed, according to the residents, without deploying soldiers to increase the sense of personal security, despite opening some checkpoints for the movement of Palestinian vehicles.

Following the same complaints from citizens who saw that the roadblocks had been removed and many Palestinian vehicles were driving on the roads at all hours of the day, Yesha Council Chairman Shlomo Neeman requested that the General of the Central Command leave the checkpoints all over Judea and Samaria.

Among others, Neeman wrote a letter to the General of the Central Command, stating that "In the last few days, we have seen that in many areas of Judea and Samaria, the checkpoints that were set up at the outbreak of the war in order to reduce enemy transportation in the area have been opened to traffic. The Arabs of Judea and Samaria have chosen a side and have sided with the worst of our enemies, the sub-humans of the Gaza terrorists, and therefore, this is a serious decision that may cost Jewish blood. I am turning to you this evening with a desperate call to stop opening the PA's traffic lanes and immediately order those under you to reinstall the checkpoints."

Neeman ended his letter to the general with the following words: "We, residents of Judea and Samaria, support the victory 100% and stand behind the IDF, in general, behind you and behind your forces, in particular, with the aim of restoring security to the country. I demand that you continue the closure on the enemy and strike them mercilessly. 

Officials in the security system privy to the details told INN that there are checkpoints that are opened and closed depending on the assessment of the situation, a kind of checkpoint that "breathes" and changes places. Sources also stated that there is no general directive for the removal of the checkpoints and that this is a deception that creates unnecessary intimidation for the public.

The IDF spokesman responded by saying, “Since the beginning of the war, the IDF has been deploying dozens of checkpoints in the area, based on considerations and operational needs. The mission of the IDF and the security forces is to protect the residents and thwart terrorism, and they are doing this with all the means at their disposal.”

Its as if they are inviting Terrorists to “do their thing”!


Anonymous said...

What this should tell us is that the state is no longer sovereign in any way and the pm is just
a literal puppet or worse. H' Yerachem!

Neshama said...

Two things come to mind (esp after they took away their weapons of defense):
One, they want the settlers to be attacked and killed
Two, they want the terrorists to try something, so they can kill them.

Guess which one is more likely??

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