30 October 2023

Worldwide Yom Tefillah – HaYom 4 PM Israel and 10 AM NY (only 6 hr dif this week)


Within the text is the following in English [...] says that we are in a really dire situation surrounded by enemies in Israel, in a very difficult position for three weeks, and we really need a ton of Heavenly compassion, to get out of this.

They are asking people to say the following tehillim together:

13, 20, 91, 121, 130, 142


Then if you’re in a minyan of men, I think it’s saying recite the 13 attributes (? – can readers help me out here, I’m not good with yeshiva short hand).

And then, to recite the Acheinu Bnei Yisrael prayer.

And then, recite the Parshat Ketoret.

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