30 October 2023

Brucha Weisberger

Are pogroms being planned? Please help stop the hate. We are ALL in danger. PRAYER is the answer. Current Events Part 2:

Do you imagine that media who lied about covid would report truth about the current turmoil? Everything is part of the NWO plan to create a world war.


Two nights ago, I awoke in a fright. In my dream, I was in an apartment adjacent to my childhood home, and terrorists were trying to get in. There was a very simple lock on the doorknob which they kept opening, but I kept immediately re-locking it on the other side. Then, I saw them cutting through a wall, instead. I contemplated taking the opportunity, while they were busy sawing, to escape on the other side of the building, but I was kind of frozen. I think that’s when I woke up.

Certainly, this nightmare reflects the fear for our very lives that so many of us are feeling -more intensely, perhaps, than ever before - since the October 7 massacre.

This article is long - the topic is vast, and I’ve been struggling for over a week with how to present it. Meanwhile, more and more keeps coming in.

What I want to talk about in this post is how the terrible anti-Semitic hate that’s exploding worldwide is being fanned very deliberately, and for sinister aims. And it is NOT only the Jews who are in danger, because they only start with the Jews.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Evil people created this scenario. They are pitting peoples against each other, purposely creating enmity among those who used to live in relative harmony together for hundreds of years. They want a world war.

WORDS MATTER. They kill. Words are long range murder weapons. So much of what the media is showing us are fake constructs designed to convince the public of what they want everyone to believe, to accomplish their goals.

Truth does not matter to them and neither do lives. In fact, those who are orchestrating everything, for whom the mainstream media are their tools, want millions of people dead. The hate that is being whipped up is with a very ugly aim in mind.

The journalists who inflame the anger directly cause deaths.

This example is just a microcosm: Many news sites were quick to run the October 17 story about “Israel bombing Gazan hospital and killing 500,” but it wasn’t true. It was a Hamas missile that fell short, and the death toll was much, much less than that. The hospital was not destroyed - the missile hit the parking lot - and Israel was not responsible for the loss of life.

But the damage was done. The hate was already aroused to boiling. That was the goal. This is a perfect example of the by-mistake-on-purpose false reporting which brings danger to Jews worldwide.


Kol Haolam exposed the New York Times’ carelessness with fomenting hatred - actually, no, not carelessness. It’s done with purposefulness and expertise. […]

[giving away the position of IDF entering Gaza:]

[exposing the identies of Israeli soldiers (and tatoo on arm) faces:] 

[text omitted]

  1. P.S. As I have made clear in previous posts, I am very well aware that there are very wicked forces pulling the strings in the Israeli government, intent on bringing death upon their own Jewish people. I don’t know for certain who the evil forces are, but they appear intent on making the country Judenrein. Please do not confuse the peace-loving people with whoever actually holds the power in the government and has killed untold numbers of Jewish people by covid shots and by other means. They clearly take orders from the same worldwide forces who hold power in the US and Europe, each country forcing the shots on their own populations and destroying the fabric of their own societies with “woke” agendas.



Brucha at


Anonymous said...

Did you mean to write 10 p.m. in New York? If I missed it at 10 a.m. I can still do it at night. Please advise. Thank you.

Neshama said...

You can do it all day long. HaShem never sleeps :-))

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

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