20 October 2023

Perek 91 Of Tehillim – Reminder


HaGaon Landau: Say Perek 91 Of Tehillim: “Yosheiv B’Seiser Elyon;”

  1  He who dwells in the covert of the Most High will lodge in the shadow of the Almighty.

  2  I shall say of the Lord [that He is] my shelter and my fortress, my God in Whom I trust.

  3  For He will save you from the snare that traps from the devastating pestilence.

  4  With His wing He will cover you, and under His wings you will take refuge; His truth is an encompassing shield.

  5  You will not fear the fright of night, the arrow that flies by day;

  6  Pestilence that prowls in darkness, destruction that ravages at noon.

  7  A thousand will be stationed at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not approach you.

  8  You will but gaze with your eyes, and you will see the annihilation of the wicked.

  9  For you [said], "The Lord is my refuge"; the Most High you made your dwelling.

10  No harm will befall you, nor will a plague draw near to your tent.

11  For He will command His angels on your behalf to guard you in all your ways.

12  On [their] hands they will bear you, lest your foot stumble on a stone.

13  On a young lion and a cobra you will tread; you will trample the young lion and the serpent.

14  For he yearns for Me, and I shall rescue him; I shall fortify him because he knows My name.

15  He will call Me and I shall answer him; I am with him in distress; I shall rescue him and I shall honor him.

16  With length of days I shall satiate him, and I shall show him My salvation.

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