29 October 2023



And the Jews that go into Gaza in the first wave will even be killed by ‘friendly fire’.

Because they already don’t know how to discern between the terrorists and the soldiers.

So, everything depends upon the girls….


Everything goes according to mesirut nefesh (self-sacrifice).

Today, if a [married] young woman covers all her hair, this is mesirut nefesh. If she goes with a long skirt, this is mesirut nefesh. She burns her tight tops – this is mesirut nefesh.

And also a boy who burns his [tight] trousers, this is also mesirut nefesh…. And smash up the Siomi, the smartphone, which is also another creation of the Satan. And the boys should also burn all their [tight] trousers. It’s forbidden for men to go with tight trousers, issur d’oraita, to go with tight clothes.

Everyone is obligated to totally cover their hair. The daughters of Rav Ovadia Yosef didn’t show any hair – and it’s also like this by the non-Jews. They also don’t show their hair, and it’s also like this by the Arabs. The Arabs don’t show any hair.

All the nurses in [Hadassah] Ein Kerem didn’t show any hair.

I was together with Yusuf. He told me that by them, if they show any hair, they simply break their bones with a stick, until she ‘makes teshuva’ and promises that she won’t show any hair again…..

And also straight away, we need to smash to pieces the new ‘satanic’ thing.

The Satan has put out something new, it’s the Siomi [a new smartphone in Israel that is being sold as being a ‘kosher’ phone, with the kosher phone sticker, but is not a kosher phone at all, and allows access to anything you can see on a regular smartphone].

Everyone [in the chareidi world] is buying Siomi, they call it ‘Siomi’. We need to smash it up immediately, this second, with a hammer…’s causing all the disasters.



Gavriela Dvorah said...

I find this post to be offensive. Why to say that our soldiers, who are on the ground and have been, are going to be killed. For what do we need this so-called Rabbi's dribble at this time, when our holy soldiers are fighting evil in the land of darkness. We need only positive things now. Young Israeli women are already on the teshuva path. Let's be positive and bring light into the world.

Neshama said...

Gavriela you very obviously did not read Rabbi Kahana!

Neshama said...

Thank you Skala, you must have a sensitive neshoma.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Neshama,

I just believe in Hashem. I believe with all my being that Hashem,Gd, is the only true Creator of all, and that Hashem, gave Eretz Israel to His Chosen.
How can any one ever think otherwise.

I pray, that victory comes soon, Please Hashem!!, to Eretz Israel, and that the eyes of all non Jews open, and turn to the One true Creator of all. Amen v'Amen.
Be safe Be blessed.


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