21 October 2023

Rabbi Weissman – Asher Weiss "rules" we have to save wounded Hamas savages

 The duplicitous Asher Weiss, who provides guidance for the Shabak, and his protégé Yossi Sprung, who followed his teacher's footsteps in shilling for the Amalekite covid agenda, just came out with yet another un-Torah “ruling”, as we should expect from them.  (See about Sprung here, and here specifically where he ruled in favor of forcibly injecting "dangerous" people.)

It seems that medical personnel at Shaare Tzedek hospital are extremely upset with being called upon to treat the Arab savages who murdered, maimed, tortured, raped, and mutilated so many of our people. 

Weiss once again played the “pikuach nefesh” card, which is one of those blank checks to justify pretty much anything. Contrary to the actual halachic definition of pikuach nefesh, these manipulators pretend that any speculative argument that something might potentially save some life at some future point constitutes pikuach nefesh, and thus anything goes.

In this case, Weiss argues that living terrorists are worth more than dead terrorists, and since they might at some point be exchanged for hostages, the Torah demands that we keep them alive.

Aside from the fact that this is utter nonsense from a Torah standpoint, it also ignores the fact that taking a more hardline approach with the terrorists in our possession is no less likely to terrorize the other side into submission, whereas demonstrating weakness and mercy toward our savage enemies only emboldens them, and in fact ENDANGERS our people's lives – the very opposite of pikuach nefesh.

Weiss then argues that Israel needs to be stringent in following “international law”, which apparently supersedes Torah law, just as the fabrication of “public health” became a religion unto itself. This is, of course, irrespective of our enemies' fidelity to “international law” or any law other than their mission to slaughter us and destroy us. We have to play nice.

If it were up to me, I would gladly trade Weiss and his stooge Sprung for our hostages, or even for free. We're better off with all our enemies being outside our land.  

May Hashem smite them all.


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Anonymous said...

Amen! These rabbis are the real thing, the real Erev Rav. Disgusting that a rabbi should even
contemplate such evil. Why don't the few doctors (probably only a few are true Jews) go on
strike and maybe there would be more nurses who do so too. They must not treat this savage
enemy! It's a chilul H' Oh, but I forgot, athiesim is the in thing now so as far as they are concerned, they have no one to be accountable to. Frightening and disturbing times as never before. They had no right of even putting the soldiers in harm's way. They have been using
the soldiers as fodder all for their agendas, otherwise, they would have finished the job a long time ago, instead of another ceasefire every other day. Nothing will work for them because Hashem is with the true Am Yisrael! Am Yisrael Chai!

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should point out to this uninformed so-called rabbi what our Chazal teach us:
'When you are kind to the cruel, you will wind up being cruel to the kind'!

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