18 October 2023

Shalom Pollack – Alternative?

 Since the beginning of the war against Hamas, I have noticed some unusual changes in Jerusalem.

For starters, I have not been woken up just before dawn by the mosques' loudspeakers blaring the call to  Muslims to prayer.

For years I have complained to the police, the municipality, and others to enforce the noise pollution laws and do something about the  Muslim rape of an entire city's sleep. In one instance, an honest police officer admitted that it is just too dangerous to enter "those places" without a large escort. I felt humiliated for myself and for my People.
That is life in the democratic Jewish state since being hijacked by post- -Zionist, post-Jewish elites.

I dreamt of an awakening of our people -  perhaps one day.

Another change that I noticed in my beloved Jewish capital is far fewer Arabs on the streets, in shops at construction sites, driving buses, etc...I have forgotten the atmosphere of years ago when the Arabs weren't so implanted amongst Jews, a time when Jews were safer and relaxed.

Make no mistake. There is no difference between the Arabs of Gaza / Hamas and all the other Arabs amongst us. They celebrate what happened on October 7. They are only sorry that they missed the party.

Perhaps their turn will come, they hope.

The changed landscape in the city is exhilarating.
Even the possibility of having to run for shelter when a siren is heard does not mar the feeling of liberation

Will it last? It depends totally on our leaders.

Our brave and enraged men seeking revenge are ready to deliver our enemies every reason to respect Jews for a long time.
All of our enemies near and far are watching closely.
Will the lion of Judah finally be aroused and devour its enemy or will it be ordered to slump back into its cage to hide behind high (impregnable) walls?

If the government once again denies the total victory that an outraged Jewish people are prepared to sacrifice for, our enemies will be emboldened to treat us as they did on Oct 7, but "on steroids".

Theirs is a no-mercy, tribal culture that Israel has never wanted to understand.

The familiar voices from outside and from within, demanding  "restraint", and "proportional response", in the name of  "humanitarian" concerns and morality have begun their familiar campaign against the survival of the Jewish people.

If there is any deal whatsoever with the barbarians that burst through our gates and returned the Holocaust for a day to the Jewish nation,  we will be set upon by many more barbarians waiting within our gates to do the same.

Is there no alternative?

Guide and author
"Jews, Israelis and Arabs"

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