07 October 2023

Netanyahu Addresses the Nation


In an address to the nation, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to use “all the power” of the IDF to destroy Hamas’s capabilities.

Calling today’s events something “never before seen in Israel,” he vows to ensure “it will never happen again.”

He says Hamas started a cruel and evil war, targeting innocent civilians young and old.

“We will win, but the price will be heavy,” he says.

“Hamas wants to murder us all,” Netanyahu says, “massacring and slaughtering” our people.

“What happened today has never been seen before in Israel and I will ensure it never happens again… The IDF will immediately use all its power to destroy Hamas’s capabilities,” he says, and this “black day” will be “avenged.”

Israel will target Hamas everywhere — turning the places it “hides and operates” into cities of ruin.

[ IY”H ]
He tells the “residents of Gaza” to “get out now because we will operate everywhere with full force.”


Gavriela Dvorah said...

Liar. We will only go where Beeden tells us we can go.

Neshama said...

“Liar in Chief”
Let’s call him ‘Bleeden’ (as in causing blood to flow)

catch up with the rest of the printed revelations from this blog and from R Weissman.

They’re prepared ?? up NORTH just in case!