03 October 2023

Israeli Sues For 1M NIS (Covid) Compensation


After Getting Handicap Allowance For COVID Vaccine Side Effects, Israeli Sues For 1M NIS Compensation

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — A 69-year-old Israeli who became handicapped after undergoing three vaccinations against coronavirus submitted a claim for compensation from the state  in accordance with the law for vaccination damages. The current law allows compensation of up to a million NIS.

Attorney Moran Avrahami Yomtov, who is representing the injured party, said that even though the benefits of vaccines for the good of the majority of the population mandate their being given, proper compensation must be given to those harmed by receiving the vaccines.

Attorney Yomtov added that the anti-COVID vaccines were authorized for broad use in an unusual and emergency manner. “This procedure significantly decreased the ability to adequately identify the cases which responded poorly to the vaccine,” she added.

“It is clear today that the number of side effects reported in the wake of the coronavirus vaccines increases as time goes on and their severity also increases.” Yomtov said. She added that it will take a long time until the real picture of damages caused by the vaccines becomes clearer.

She also complained that most of the claims for compensation are rejected by the committee of experts dealing with the issue, since the plaintiffs cannot prove a direct causal connection between the vaccines and the handicaps.

In this case, a healthy father of two and business owner was functioning normally until receiving the vaccine. After receiving the first shot, he began to feel pain over his entire body, which subsided after a few days. After the second shot, he felt stronger pains in his body and for two days was not able to get out of bed.

Despite his concerns about taking a third shot, he agreed to take it since the regulations in Israel prevented people from working or moving around if they didn’t take a third shot. After taking the shot, he began feeling shooting pains in his body and described them as similar to muscle spasms. For a few days he was in bed unable to move and even when he moved he suffered from a limp in his leg and from sharp pains.

Even today, three years after receiving the third shot, he suffers from severe physical restrictions and has not found any palliative for his pains. He is now undergoing biological treatment and the National Insurance Institute established his level of handicap at 58%, granting him a disability allowance.

One of the experts involved in the case dismissed the man’s claiming stating that he was suffering from Long COVID which had not been diagnosed properly, and that such symptoms are typical in post-corona syndrome. Attorney Yomtov submitted a different opinion from a clinical immunologist who said that the juxtaposition of the vaccine and the symptoms shows a clear causal connection between them.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

He'll never win because one of the stipulations was that those accepting the experimental jab would not sue. This was in the big agreement that Bibi signed that no one ever saw, not even the members of his cabinet. Outside of Israel, health officials admit that the Pfizer jab has caused heart problems in a large majority of the jabbed population. But even so, it takes years for these kinds of lawsuits to work their way through the system, and they rarely succeed.

Neshama said...

That is to sue the farma cos, but he’s suing ISRAEL med estab.
There might be a dif, depending on the Supremes!
Their day of judgment is coming!

Neshama said...

D, I’ve been experiencing weakness. I was fine YT but tired.
Then Sun was in bed most of day, and now a few days not my usual energy.
Today the weef and youN are instituting a worldwide ‘wifi’ Alert System (oct 4) to enable them to hack into ALL electronics, iFonz et al. To do some nefarious ‘work’ for their control over nearly everyone in world. So the alternatives inform us. I’m labeled “the canary in the coal mine”.

The next phase of our Geulah ??

Neshama said...

Neshama said...

Gavriela Dvorah has left a new comment on your post "Israeli Sues For 1M NIS (Covid) Compensation":

I received a message via whatsapp last week about the emergency test. I don't believe it, but I did share it. What I find funny about the article, though is that they say the agencies deny the propaganda, but...what...are they going to say? "Yes, it's true! We're coming to get all you fools who got jabbed!?"???

Gavriela Devorah: Don’t understand what you wrote, and esp the last line?? What has “fools who got jabbed” got to do with the ALERT? Emes has become propaganda, and lies have become truth!

Neshama said...

For some reason your comments are not getting through and causing a long pause and a freeze. Maybe the al-go-rhithem?? So I copies and pasted it.

Gavriela Dvorah said...

The last sentence referred to the article you linked to. A video warning was sent out re the emergency broadcast test saying that everyone should turn their phones off bec the signal will turn on or excite the something that's in everyone's body if they took the jab.

Neshama said...

I missed that, thank you.

Neshama said...

Gavriela Devora, I recommend this video for what you might have missed.
I tried to print here the video code but it won’t go thru.
Therefore, go here to his site to watch:

Don’t underestimate the fellow.

A Sign From Above in Parshas Terumah

  Bibas" three times in the Parsha Go here to read it