04 October 2023

Armies Are Overrated and Life Coaching From Koheleth


Part 7 of my series of classes on Bayit Sheni and Redemption is titled Armies Are Overrated, and is available here.  

Today's Torah class is called Life Coaching From Koheleth, and is available here.

As always, both classes are filled with fundamental lessons from Torah, tied into current events.

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I really need someone to explain to me why eating animals is morally wrong because we're not allowed to "harm" animals, but eating bugs is virtuous.  Don't bugs' lives matter too?  For that matter, plants are alive, so why are we allowed to eat plants? Because they don't have brains?  Well, neither do most people.  And anyway, who gets to decide that's the criteria?

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Maoz said...

"...plants are alive, so why are we allowed to eat plants?"

Exactly! I've been asking that very question for ages, whenever I heard or read some vegetarian/vegan pitch. Still haven't received any sensible answer.

Anonymous said...

Plants are alive, & H' Created them for the benefit of man and animals. Before Noach, this was how man survived. After the Flood, man was given control over the animal kingdom and when man was given permission by G-D to consume animals for survival, we were then allowed to do so because man could no longer survive on plants alone.
This shows you the vegans and this new tiruf of eating, c'v, insects, etc. are making up their own rules because these are the ones who are at war with the Creator and think they can be gods (repeat of Dor Haflaga). Evil from the beginning of the time of the yetzer hara has been resurrected for their final judgment.

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