03 September 2020

Amazing Video

More likely Alarming. This is long but very important. It might upset those who are sensitive to injustice and cruelty, but it contains valuable information. I just learned that Pres Trump has hired a new person to head his efforts against the pandemic. B”H that means BG’s stooges are slowly being ousted. They will eventually be brought to severe judgment.

Substitute Covid for hiv/aids 
Testing for hiv/aids is the same testing protocol used for C-19. 
The entire so-called science and testing particulates and protocol around hiv/aids was the same applied to C-19.
It's all a creative money-maker and PLAN to take over and control the entire world.
The vaccine concoction for C-19 is as dangerous as the so-called list of ‘medicines’ devised for hiv/aids (that killed thousands and thousands of people).

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EMERGENCY......PRAY FOR Netanelu (Arvin) Ghahremani

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