10 May 2020

Mass Microchip Plot

Rabbis Accuse Netanyahu of a “Mass Microchip Plot”: Selling Out Israel to the Globalist Agenda

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set off quite a storm on Monday night following a press conference when he updated the nation regarding the latest loosening measures of the Health Ministry’s regulations.


Regarding an anticipated second wave of the coronavirus, Netanyahu recommended “new technologies that haven’t yet been activated. Technologies that are within the confines of the law that we will activate. This means perhaps, new methods that we’re discussing.”

“I’ve spoken to the heads of our technology department to search for all sorts of tools that Israel truly specializes in” Netanyahu continued. “For example – sensors. There would be a sensor that warns children, all people, but starting with children, like a vehicle whereby if you get to close to it, it makes noise. A buzzer if you will. I don’t know if it’s possible but they’re looking into it. They’re trying it.”

Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak
Popular Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak, who has thousands of followers in Israel said that he would like to reveal what’s behind Netanyahu’s statement. He accused the Prime Minister of playing dumb regarding an already planned second wave saying: “Bibi, you pretend like you don’t know that it’s all planned – a second wave (of coronavirus) to force the vaccine.”

Rabbi Yitzchak also notes that Netanyahu’s speech proves that the technology the Prime Minister spoke about already exists and that the Israeli government intends on using it. The rabbi also surmises that Netanyahu’s statement will translate into “microchips and sensors, to control the population and enslave them.”

Rabbi Yitzchak concludes that the plan is to force everyone to vaccinate and if they refuse, they will become criminals. The goal is to prepare the future generations for Bill Gate’s project.”
“Why is that when the flu, who killed a lot more people, did you never ensure that people didn’t prevent it from spreading?” the Rabbi said noting that Netanyahu is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations.

Rabbi Daniel Asor
Another rabbi, Rabbi Daniel Asor of Jerusalem’s Yanar Institute also delivered a harsh response to the statement saying: “Netanyahu has crossed a red line. He will install a sensor into every person in Israel and will start with children in schools and kindergartens.”

Referring to the Biblical story of Esau selling his first born rights to Jacob, Rabbi Asor added: “Basically, Netanyahu sold the nation of Israel to the *Shadow government for lentil soup”. Full article Breaking News

Netanyahu Looks to Install Sensors into Children that Buzz if They Get too Close to You
By David Sidman May 5
On Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the nation of Israel to update them on the latest easing of Health Ministry regulations.

Some of the measures lifted include the allowance of families living in separate locations to meet in gatherings. Malls, Gyms, Libraries, and water activities will also open on Friday. Additionally, by the end of May, all school classes will return to normal.

However Natanyahu also warned of a second wave of the Chinese Virus saying: “I pray it won’t happen but with God’s help and you’re help, we will be ready for it.”

The Prime Minister also said that he is looking into “technologies that haven’t been activated yet.” He continued saying “Technologies that will be legal that we operate. It means perhaps, new methods that we’re working on. I spoke with our head of technology to search for various technologies that Israel excels at.”

Netanyahu used sensor alarms as an example. “For examples sensors. There would be a sensor that warns children, all people but starting with children, like a vehicle whereby if you get to close to it, it makes noise. A buzzer if you will. I don’t know if it’s possible but they’re looking into it. They’re trying it.” The Prime Minister concluded saying that he hopes to finalize a unity government and that he is committed to continue the battle against the pandemic “for our country, for our economy, for our health and for our lives.” Read full article BreakingNews


*Shadow Government, is Israel’s version of the anti-humanity neu world management system (DS, CDC, WHO, UN). The epitome of anti-G-D idolatrous belief in corrupted science. The “chip” idea is straight from BG. There is no end to his evil manipulation of all the beautiful creations of G-D. This includes all areas of the life-giving processes. The most reprehensible diabolical machinations of a super control freak; this man (BG) is severely insane. I was shocked that it would surface in Israel so soon. (this is why any ER govt is pure shaker). It must be understood how ALL countries followed the coronavirus UN-CDC-WHO guidelines nearly to a “T” you must realize this was all scripted! And has been in process little by little for many years. It’s all coming out into the light now.

And this reminds me of Rebbe Nachman’s parable of “the  tainted wheat. (below)” We must stand against this corruption of G-D’s world and beg for Mashiach’s intervention. (But I believe we are in for 9 mos of outlandish implementations and intrusions into our very personal lives; unfortunately with many in our community going along like sheep.)

The king’s star gazer saw that the grain harvested that year was tainted. Anyone who would eat from it would became insane.

“What can we do?” said the king. “It is not possible to destroy the crop for we do not have enough grain stored to feed the entire population.”

“Perhaps,” said the star gazer, “we should set aside enough grain for ourselves. At least that way we could maintain our sanity.”

The king replied, “If we do that, we will be considered crazy. If everyone behaves one way and we behave differently, we will be considered the not normal ones.

“Rather,” said the king, “I suggest that you and I should eat from the crop, just like everyone else. However, in order to remind ourselves that we are not normal, we will make a mark on our foreheads. So that even if we are insane, whenever we look at each other, we will remember (and know) that we are insane!” (based on a translation by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan).


moshe said...

Is it news to anyone who reads and learns that he 'is one of them'. Of course, the pm is part and parcel of this whole setup. That's why there's great hope he will not be the pm again and no one will, because with the help of our tefilot, H' will send us MBY to take over. It cannot get to this insane point; this is the edge of the cliff part of the end where H' will save us, even if the nation is not worthy. Moshiach's coming is why the world was created but H', in His Infinite Goodness, gives us time to repent, and if we don't, Moshiach is still coming but it might be less 'pretty'. Geulah can come with great glory or with great hardship, it is up to us! Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak knows what he's talking about. H' yerachem aleinu!

Neshama said...

Moshe: this is an awful intrusion on our lives. The worse it gets the closer we are. We all need to just hang in there and not let go of our Emunah lifeline.

Also, I read another awful article concerning the Elderly in Israel. They want to attach “a coloured ribbon” to children and the elderly to single them out regarding the coronavirus. Its another “leftist/socialist/nwo” plan.

Jesterhead45 said...

It also brings to mind the following article from over a decade back.

moshe said...

Deep down, every emmesser Yid must feel that the 'reshaim' of the last milchamah (WWII) just went to sleep (dormant) and now have fully awakened again, but on a global level. H' yerachem!

Neshama said...

Jester, yes, I forgot about that. This means it’s been in Israel for many many years and they’ve used it before. There was a nyt article that said that Israel was going to use some of their military/security devices for cd purpose. Of course it was a smear job.

Jesterhead45 said...

Neshama, another malevolent addition since the original kill-switch tracker article appeared would be the rise of China's social credit system and the rest of the world seeking to implement a similar system on people.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...