26 September 2024

We Are Learning and Teaching Torah the Wrong Way...and shooting down Iron Dome

Today's Torah class is on a subject that is very close to my heart — the widespread abandonment of Tanach from Yeshiva curriculums, the force-feeding of Gemara to children who are not nearly ready for it, the extreme emphasis on pilpul, hair-splitting analysis (a.k.a. “learning how to learn”), and the general neglect of Tanach and scorn for those who study it as part of a well-rounded Torah diet.

What is the basis for this wrongful development, why IS it a wrongful development, how and why did this happen, and what is the proper system for learning and teaching Torah for most people?

Did the Erev Rav hijack our curriculum, and now it's just done this way because that's the way it's done, like so much else?  I seriously wonder.

As a free bonus, we also saw a great source about the conundrum of galus Jews who face hatred and attacks.

And we saw an easy, clear proof from the Torah itself that there ain't no new testament.

Please learn, enjoy, and share.

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Iron Dome Blowing Up Lots of "Invisible" Rockets

What will it take for people to stop believing this nonsense?

There are so many videos like this coming out day after day.  The best the professional liars can say is that it's blowing up invisible rockets.  The cameras can catch everything these days except all those thousands of invisible rockets Iron Dome has been blowing up.  Might as well be a religion...or idolatry.

If the only proof for something is the word of wicked, professional liars and dubious images they produce, always assume that it is a lie and proceed from there — not the reverse.

On that note, this video has a great, concise explanation in simple terms about how the Iron Dome is a massive psy-op.  (Sorry, it's in Hebrew, and don't ask me to transcribe it.  If someone volunteers I'm happy to share it.)

But then there's this photo, which have been going around:

A reader who agrees about Iron Dome shared the following information: 

"To play devil’s advocate, the photographer (who was murdered on Oct 7) was an Israeli NikonEU employee: a professional photographer with professional equipment. That said, there are some potential issues with his footage.

The source:

Here the photographer shows the raw footage:

People mentioned the issues in the comments. The image is a year old from Magen v”Chetz."

Do a google search for "photo of iron dome interception".  You get tons of results not showing Iron Dome intercepting anything, plus this isolated photo that's been going around lately as more people start to challenge the Iron Dome psy-op.

So on one side of the scale we have what our eyes can clearly see (and not see), and on the other side of the scale we have this.  Obviously any reasonable, intelligent person would favor the latter.

Aside from the fact that the same people who tell us there are no videos of interceptions because the incoming missiles are invisible, and we're stupid for expecting them to be visible, ALSO believe there is a single crystal clear photograph that captured two missiles on a perfect collision course.  No way that wasn't doctored, checkmate, case closed.

Make it make sense.

In any case, even if there is an example of one missile taking out another, the daily dose of Iron Domes flying around aimlessly before blowing themselves up, and barrages of Iron Domes all strangely going to the same small area in the sky, and Iron Domes causing serious damage and bodily harm to the people they are supposed to be protecting, and Iron Domes burning down land (especially farmland) in the north, and the lack of clear evidence that they are really doing any good at all...all of this indicates a massive psy-op.

Don't use your brains to talk yourself out of the truth.  That's not a sign of intelligence.  It's the misuse of intelligence.


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree that not teaching Tanach (nevi'im, etc.) is a great mistake. Firstly, in order to really understand who, why & what, we have to know our 'History'.
I believe that these yeshivot do not stress teaching Nach is because the rebbes and teachers know little of it themselves. I also once heard that they hesitate teaching it because of all the improper and even evil ways of some of our kingss, etc.
This must change. Every part of Torah is holy and must be taught to our youith!

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