14 September 2024

Rabbi Weissman – Unrepentant Judenrat and Useful Idiots

This was posted on a Beit Shemesh group.  The enemy regime that rules our land supplies electricity, food, money, concrete, and — let's be frank — weapons and ammunition to Gaza, but Jews enslaved by the IDF, sent into death traps to be maimed and killed, need citizens who are taxed to the bone to donate cold food.   

If you still think this is a "milchemes mitzva", that joining the IDF and otherwise serving the state is some sort of religious imperative, that we are still not allowed to ask questions, and that this "war" has anything to do with benefiting the Jewish people, you share in the responsibility for all those who are maimed and killed, and you help enable the next October 7.

No, feeding these slave soldiers is not a mitzvah.  Feeding them only enables their continued enslavement before they are sent to be maimed and killed for nothing.  Let them starve, get disgusted, and leave.

Would we make a barbecue for Jews and dance with them to boost their morale before they willingly go to Auschwitz, or would we better support them by bursting their bubble about what's really going on and perhaps discourage them from willingly going to Auschwitz?    

You really want to support the soldiers?  Save them from getting maimed and killed for nothing, or prosecuted if they fight too successfully without getting maimed and killed for nothing.

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Who's really firing rockets on the people of Israel?

The same people who let thousands of Jews get massacred on October 7, poisoned the population, and conducted medical experiments on children, fired upwards of 30 Iron Dome rockets at Tzfat and claimed it was actually Iron Dome intercepting Hezbollah rockets. Do you trust them?

Naturally, they provided no video evidence of this, but they did provide video of what they claimed was a retaliatory strike in Syria. Funny how they have video of one but not the other. Attached is a citizen's video of the Iron Dome rockets being fired over Tzfat, which generated fear, started fires, and potentially could have injured and killed more Jews from within.

See the attached video, read the official state media narrative here, and think for yourself what's really going on.

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Shmuel Sackett is one of those "religious Zionist" aliya cheerleaders who mouths off about being tough on our Arab enemies and conquering the land far and wide, but fundamentally worships the Erev Rav state no matter what evil they perpetrate on the Jewish people. The State of Israel is their golden calf.

Pretty much all the "religious Zionist" cheerleaders, they pushed the covid tyranny and poison shots with religious cultish zeal.  Sackett doubled down on that in a conversation with our friend, Rafi Farber (see here).  

The October 7 state narrative never made sense.  On October 8 I shared a wealth of factual information and witness testimony demonstrating this.  On October 9 someone forwarded this to Shmuel Sackett.  He replied as follows in a group email:

"This is NOT the time for these emails!

The nation needs to be strong and you are causing people to be weak and lose faith. May HaShem curse all people who send these emails and weaken the Nation of Israel! Yes, there are many questions that need to be answered but NOT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop this immediately.


The next day he published an article on Arutz Sheva and in the Jewish Press declaring that now is "not the time for questions" (see here).  It's not a particularly thoughtful piece, but tough-talking war-mongers are not known for their sophistication of thought.  They are one-trick ponies.

It is now almost a year later.  More Jews have been maimed and killed in Gaza since then than in the Yom Kippur War and the Six-Day War, with nothing tangible to show for it aside from state propaganda.  I emailed Shmuel Sackett and he replied as follows:

"I remain committed to what I said." 

That was it.

I replied:

On what basis?  When and under what conditions are the peasants allowed to ask questions of their overlords?  Who gets to decide?  How many more Jews have to be slaughtered in the Gaza meat grinder under orders from traitors until we are allowed to question them?


You share in the guilt.

We exchanged a few emails in which he went off on tangents and tried to make a hypocrite out of me for paying taxes and walking streets built by Israel, but made no effort to explain why he doubled down on his position a year later.  Finally, I wrote him as follows:

You voluntarily and proudly ordered Jews not to ask questions and rush into death traps by traitors who enabled and orchestrated the October 7 massacre.  Only cultists and Communists order people to rush into death traps without the right to ask questions.  It's a year later, and more IDF soldiers have been maimed and killed in little Gaza than in the Yom Kippur War...with absolutely nothing gained. Which was the point all along.  You share responsibility for that. I don't care how many times you were arrested.  You betrayed the Jewish people.  And you have no defense for yourself.

Your virtue signaling about having been arrested and put on trial in the past only highlights your Stockholm Syndrome in playing the useful idiot now.  Aside from the fact that you're barely coherent.

Suddenly he went mute.

I gave him one more chance to validate his position:

Just like the people who enabled and orchestrated the October 7 massacre must be held accountable, you must be accountable for the consequences of your actions as a public influencer. 

You have a responsibility to either publicly retract your inexcusable demand that people not ask questions and do teshuva for assisting in the maiming and slaughter of thousands of our finest people for absolutely nothing as a result, or to publicly reiterate your demand that people continue to not ask questions in spite of it all and attempt to justify it. 

Your choice.

I will share your response.  What will it be?

The tough-talking war-monger who never backs down from a confrontation remained mute.  He insists that we STILL don't have the right to ask questions, but he himself will not take questions about that position.  Don't ask questions, and don't ask questions about being prohibited to ask questions.

It is high time we stopped covering for Judenrat and useful idiots in our midst who push cultism, statism, Stockholm Syndrome, and idolatrous attachments to evil.  They have caused and continue to cause tremendous damage to the Jewish people, even if they are confused and their hearts are in the right place. 

It is time to call them out and hold them accountable.  And this is something ALL of us need to do.  Including you.


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If the government can kidnap and imprison people without evidence, why should we need evidence to disprove their every lie?

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Amalek prevails upon the masses to believe it's intellectual, enlightened, and avant-garde to challenge longstanding conventions and champion far-out ideas (such as atheism, evolution, gender bending, WEF offering of the day), while also prevailing upon the masses to mock and curse those who go against the “conventional” position and challenge THEIR sacred cows.

Ever noticed that?

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A blast from the past.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came to this site hoping for help as a new olah. I see this is NOT the site for me. Ugh.

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