17 September 2024

Rabbi Weissman: The IDF makes another huge weapons donation to our executioners

"18 containers with military equipment stolen from IDF base in south.  Several suspects break into IDF base in the south and escape with a vast amount of military equipment." (source)

Righhhhht.   Like a bulldozer and pickup trucks with thousands of terrorists managed to breach the southern border and massacre dozens of communities with no response for 8 hours.  

This is what happens when you allow the same people who planned and orchestrated October 7 to get away with it because we're not allowed to ask questions, they shouldn't be replaced in a time of war, it was all just an honest mistake, or maybe they let it happen to save the rest of us from something worse, like with Molech sacrifices.  

At most it was just some leftists waging a personal war against Bibi and his legendary “right wing government” that's done lots of amazing right wing things that no one can think of, and would do even more amazing right wing things if only they weren't stopping him.  Right.

But don't worry, they're investigating this one too, and even though “naturally, we cannot give out details about an ongoing investigation,” we should continue to rationalize for them, join the IDF, support the IDF, follow orders, stand with Israel, believe the media, and release our anger only on people who challenge any of the above.  

Don't seriously consider the possibility that all of this is planned and staged, because that would make you seriously uncomfortable and might force you to make some difficult decisions you'd rather not face.  So just go on scrolling and shopping, play the left/right game, and figure that if you don't think about what's happening behind the curtain and just accept the media at face value, it will all be okay.

*   *   *

From an article here, which I discussed in a segment called IDF brass set up the Jews to be massacred on Oct 7.

Every excuse under the sun to prevent the people from being able to defend themselves, all while tons of weapons are somehow “stolen” from IDF bases, and thousands of terrorists somehow infiltrate an impenetrable border and slaughter defenseless Jews.

Face it: The people you think are there to protect you want you dead.  They are actively collaborating with the executioners.  All of it, down to the smallest details, is planned and orchestrated.  

Sorry if the truth hurts.  Getting maimed and killed because you didn't want to hear the truth hurts more.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it not obvious to anyone who reads/learns what's happening that the IDF is no longer a Jewish army and has morphed into the outside forces now controlling the country.
Those at the helm now are Erev Rav and some are of the Erev Rav Amaleikim.
In normal countries, the prime minister has to, at least, fire those at the helm in the IDF but as has been exposed, they do not want to resign. Did you ever hear of such insanity? We actually see how the hamas murderers are being aided by Israel rather than wiping them off the face of the earth. Such is the situation we are in at this time.
Praying for miracles to start happening big time; otherwise, frightening to think.
It is chodesh Elul and we need to pray hard and cry out to Hashem to speed up the Geulah with great mercy for Am Yisrael and chayalei Yisrael!
We need Moshiach Ben Yosef NOW!

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