19 September 2024

Reb Neuberger: THE ELECTION on Rosh Hashana


In the coming months, there will be an election for President of the United States.


Chazal say, if Am Yisroel does not do teshuva before Moshiach, Hashem will send a ruler as cruel as Haman who will cause us to do teshuva. (Sanhedrin 97b)


My friends, I believe we are in deep trouble. It is very possible that the next chief executive of the United States will be as cruel as Haman, and the result will be that there will be no support for Israel from our “biggest ally.” In fact, there may be the opposite of support, which means overt antagonism.


Our future does not depend on the United States election; it depends on the election we Jews make on Rosh Hashana.


On what are we expected to do teshuva? What shortcoming must we correct which causes us to feel threatened by the outcome of the U. S. elections?


In Mitzraim, the entire future of Am Yisroel was threatened because we were submerged in their culture. Even in the Midbar, our ancestors cried, saying, “we remember the fish that we ate in Egypt free of charge, the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now, our life is parched [and] …  we have nothing to anticipate but the manna!” (Bamidbar 11:5-6)


My friends, we do not realize how deeply trapped we are in the culture of Golus. It is not just the internet; it is everything. Even if we live Jewish lives, we are locked into the culture of the computer, the cell phone, the shopping, the beautiful, spacious homes with every luxury at the touch of a button.


Think how the Chofetz Chaim lived, like a wanderer in this world. I remember how Reb Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman zt”l would sit on his bed, his back against a chair turned on its side, with its feet resting against the wall.


Last week, I quoted Rav Dessler zt”l, who spoke about the destruction of Edom before the revelation of Moshiach. Just as Mitzraim was destroyed before our redemption, so Edom will be destroyed before Moshiach is revealed. We must try to extricate ourselves from this rotting civilization before it implodes.


Rabbi Nosson Scherman Shlita”h wrote a beautiful Overview to the Artscroll Rosh Hashanah Machzor. I feel as if it illuminated my mind. The following ideas are taken from his writings:


What day does Rosh Hashanah commemorate? The First Day of Creation, of course!




Rosh Hashanah commemorates the Sixth Day of Creation, the Day on which mankind was created. Mankind, the culmination of Creation, the one creation which received the ultimate gift – free will – the ability to choose between good and evil. This is really the “tzelem Elokim,” the precious ability bequeathed to no other creation, not even the mightiest malachim (who possess no yetzer ha ra).


“Hakol b’y’dai Shomayim … Everything is in the hands of Heaven except the fear of Heaven.” (Berachos 33b)


What is our avoda on Rosh Hashanah?


We, who can choose between good and evil, we who can – G-d forbid! – reject Hashem like the vast majority of mankind … we have the unique power to accept Hashem as our King and become His loyal subjects with every atom of our being. The more we willingly subject ourselves to His Kingship, the higher we have reached and the more sanctified our lives.


How does Hashem praise our Father Avraham?


“By Myself I swear that … since you have done this thing and have not withheld your son, your only one, I shall surely bless you and greatly increase your offspring like the stars of the sky and like the sand on the seashore, and your offspring shall inherit the gate of its enemy. All the nations of the earth shall bless themselves by your offspring, because you have listened to My voice.” (Beraishis 22:16ff)


This is called “an irrevocable oath” (Radak), the only formal oath taken by Hashem in the story of the Patriarchs …. Binding us to Hashem “no matter how far” we may stray! (Hirsch/Artscroll Beraishis).


Because Avraham Avinu worked on directing his entire being toward subservience to the King of Kings, we, the Children of Israel, came into existence, continue to exist and we will inherit the gate of our enemies.


“Is there any doubt that on that day – the words of Hashem – I will cause the wise men of Edom to be lost and discernment [to be lost] from the mountain of Esav…. For the day of Hashem upon all the nations is near … But on Har Tzion there will be a remnant, and it shall become holy and the House of Yaakov will inherit its inheritors. The House of Yaakov will be a fire and the House of Yosef a flame, and the house of Esav like straw... for Hashem has spoken. Then saviors will ascend Har Tzion to judge Esav’s mountain and the kingdom will be Hashem’s.” (Ovadiah 1:8ff)


May we embrace Hashem as our King and see the Redemption soon in our days!

Rav Shteinman zt”l, sitting on his bed with his back against a chair




Avoda: spiritual labor

B’tzelem Elokim: the image of G-d

Chazal: the rabbis of the Mishna and Gemara

Edom: the civilization of Rome, the descendant of Esav

Esav: the nemesis of our Father Jacob

Golus: Exile

Haman: the tyrant who tried to exterminate the Jews on Purim

Har Tzion: Mount Zion

Machzor: Holiday prayer book

Malachim: angels

Midbar: Biblical desert

Teshuva: repentance

Tumah: impurity


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