11 September 2024

Rabbi Weissman – A Bring Them Home Now Campaign to Rally Around...

 ..........and the Torah on Love, Marriage, and Divorce

In this week's Torah class we learned about the contrast between the Torah's perspective on love, marriage, and divorce, and that of Amalekite/Western society, based on the Malbim's commentary on the Sifrei.  Very powerful, fundamental insights that should be taught to everyone and guide us all.

As a free bonus, we also swiftly debunked the un-Torah notion of "separating the sinner from the sin".

The recording is available here.
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For more details, see this blog post.

The Shin Bet is Israel's version (branch?) of the CIA.  They are a state-sponsored terrorist gang that operates in the shadows outside the bounds of the law – to keep up safe, of course.  

They can kidnap anyone they want as long as they refer to it as administrative detention and get a rubber stamp, and imprison their hostage indefinitely in a dungeon without evidence, due process, or legal representation.  To keep us safe, of course.

They can brutally torture their victim/hostage for weeks, and have well-trained experts on brutally torturing people.  It's a science.  They can also extract confessions from innocent people that will be admissible in court, as they did to Amiram ben Uliel.  All of this is legal in the Frankenstinian Faux-Jewish State.  To keep us safe, of course.

The public was conditioned to accept this and even cheer it on, so long as they do this to presumed Arab terrorists and “ticking time bombs”, and was subsequently conditioned to accept this when done to “Jewish terrorists”.   The categorization of “terrorist” has predictably continued to be expanded, as accepting evil begets more evil, eventually against those who accepted it in the first place.  Measure for measure.  To keep us safe, of course.

When we daven for our enemies to be destroyed, we must have state-sponsored terrorist gangs foremost in mind.  They are very brave when they can operate in the shadows, kidnap, torture, and murder people with impunity.  I look forward to the day when their masks are removed and they must quiver in the light before real justice.  Let's see how brave they are then.  May it be soon.  

May Hashem avenge all the innocent blood they spilled and bring retribution upon them for every ounce of suffering they inflicted on those who are far better than them — measure for measure.  Then we will truly be safe.

May Hashem swiftly destroy all our enemies, especially those who operate against us from within.

People should print THIS out and plaster it all over the place.  Please share it widely.

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Two more Jewish soldiers were killed and many more injured in a helicopter crash in Gaza (one article of many can be found here).

Yet another "accident". 

No one will pay the price.  

The culling continues.
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My friend Rabbi Jonathan Gross testified before Congress about the abuse of January 6 political prisoners and the threat to all Americans.  It's well worth a listen, here.


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Esser Agaroth said...

Thank you for linking to my post on Avraham Shapira, documentary film maker, on administrative detention.
Is the Detention of Israeli Documentary Film Maker Retribution?

Anonymous said...

An interesting fact - from 1947 to 2022 there were 23-25 administrative detentions,
From 2022 till now there was 23 cases of adminstrative detentions.

there are also tiktok videos

What’s With The Hands??

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