21 September 2024


 Going to no usage of actual cash (bills and coins)?
What happens to tzedaka in shuls before davening?
Or giving to someone on the street?

Kill bill: Netanyahu pushing for quick phase-out of 200-shekel banknote

As part of fight against black market money, officials considering eliminating highest denomination of Israeli currency soon and gradually phasing out cash entirely; plan includes voluntary disclosure campaign and lowering transaction approval threshold.

What is so urgent about this??
Bibi declares: urgently discuss the immediate discontinuation of the 200-shekel banknote, the highest denomination of Israeli currency.”

* * * * *

There are other URGENT matters that need attention:
The *Haredi Yeshiva nodraft issue?
Or the Breslav mitpallelim going to the Kever of their Rebbe Rabbi Nachman?

And I’m sure kicking people out of their homes is NOT URGENT!

* In lieu of an excellent article in Hamodia (website under construction), read this:
On April 1, Israel entered uncharted territory when Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara ruled that the IDF had to begin drafting yeshivah students. No government has been in this position since Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion first agreed to exempt Agudas Yisrael’s list of 400 bochurim from military service. While there won’t be a stampede for the exits of the beis medrash, as serious Torah learners have always demonstrated sacrifice and devotion to continue learning even under duress, there might be some short-term fallout: What impact will slashed budgets and the new legal reality have on Israel’s yeshivos? And, how can the government of a Jewish country sever itself from the very pillars that support the continued existence of the Jewish People?


Anonymous said...

We alll know by now that the western world is now run by the nwo, r'l. How Israel fits into the western world(?) should really be a mystery, but they're in on it big time, r'l.
What these globalists want is also out in the open and that is - they are against everything that G-D Commands through His Holy Torah. That's exactly what they are trying to do.
Tangible currency is a necessity in Torah. Morality is a Must in Torah. The Ten Commandments are a Must in Torah, etc., etc. but they are determined, c'v, to turn sanity on its head and we've seen some/much of it already
the last few years, for sure. Reminds one very much of the Tower of Bavel.
We have many hlnts before the actual Geulah and this is part of a
blatant realization that Redemption is very close because the world cannot
continue if this continues, c'v.
They can conspire with all kinds of plans but it will all fail because Hashem itanu! AMEN!

Neshama said...

IY”H Hoshana Rabba please the Nekoma and Simchas Torah the REAL SIMCHA!

What’s With The Hands??

  Shai Graucher Gifts Emily Damari a BMW, Ohad Ben Ami Receives Tefillin