21 September 2024


 Going to no usage of actual cash (bills and coins)?
What happens to tzedaka in shuls before davening?
Or giving to someone on the street?

Kill bill: Netanyahu pushing for quick phase-out of 200-shekel banknote

As part of fight against black market money, officials considering eliminating highest denomination of Israeli currency soon and gradually phasing out cash entirely; plan includes voluntary disclosure campaign and lowering transaction approval threshold.

What is so urgent about this??
Bibi declares: urgently discuss the immediate discontinuation of the 200-shekel banknote, the highest denomination of Israeli currency.”

* * * * *

There are other URGENT matters that need attention:
The *Haredi Yeshiva nodraft issue?
Or the Breslav mitpallelim going to the Kever of their Rebbe Rabbi Nachman?

And I’m sure kicking people out of their homes is NOT URGENT!

* In lieu of an excellent article in Hamodia (website under construction), read this:
On April 1, Israel entered uncharted territory when Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara ruled that the IDF had to begin drafting yeshivah students. No government has been in this position since Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion first agreed to exempt Agudas Yisrael’s list of 400 bochurim from military service. While there won’t be a stampede for the exits of the beis medrash, as serious Torah learners have always demonstrated sacrifice and devotion to continue learning even under duress, there might be some short-term fallout: What impact will slashed budgets and the new legal reality have on Israel’s yeshivos? And, how can the government of a Jewish country sever itself from the very pillars that support the continued existence of the Jewish People?

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