11 September 2024

Rabbi Weissman: Rabbi Schachter ...and Bring Them Home Now

Rabbi Schachter's position on the covid shots is unchanged...and who runs Bring Them Home Now

 The following is from an email I received ten days ago:

“I am reaching out as a talmid of HaRav Schachter shalit"a...Donations will go to support Yeshivat Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan. The names of each sponsor will be given to Rav Schachter and posted online. As a talmid of Rav Schachter, please join us in showing your hakaras hatov for his harbatzas Torah both in yeshiva and online and his halachic and hashkafic guidance. The average donation for past sponsorships has been about $100, though we welcome any size gift.”

I replied as follows: “I'd like to sponsor a shiur on whether Rav Schachter still thinks it's an obligation for everyone, including children, to get covid shots, after all the undeniable information that has come out, and all the Jews who were harmed.  Let me know.”

To my surprise, it did not end there.  My reply was forwarded to Rabbi Judah Kerbel.  Rabbi Kerbel is a “Development Associate” at RIETS, Yeshiva University's rabbinical seminary  

Before we get to the correspondence, it is worth noting that Rabbi Kerbel is also the Rabbi of the Queens Jewish Center. He posted the following on January 11, 2021:  Note the following excerpts:

“I will not elaborate much here, but my position is that based on the medical consensus that the vaccine is safe, halacha mandates taking the vaccine (this has been stated by Rabbi Mordechai Willig). IY"H, I will take the first dose of the vaccine this afternoon, and I encourage everyone to do so when you are able to!”

“We are very privileged to be able to offer a presentation and Q&A with Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt on Monday, January 25 at 8:00 PM regarding the vaccine. We are doing this in conjunction with other shuls with Forest Hills. Please join us! ”

“It is nisim v'niflaot, nothing short of wondrous, that we have reached the point that people are being vaccinated so quickly. I encourage everyone to make a bracha upon receiving the vaccine: ברוך אתה ה' אלקינו מלך העולם, הטוב והמיטיב - blessed are you Hashem, ruler of the universe, who is good and grants good.”

Rabbi Kerbel contacted me with a copied and pasted fundraising email that is not worth reading.  I replied: “Why does Rav Schachter need a collection to give a shiur?”

He replied that the Yeshiva needs to raise funds in order to be able to operate.  That's right, he seriously made the claim that YU is in danger of being unable to operate unless its rabbinic alumni put some change in the collection plate.

Here's what I replied: “YU is so short on funds that they need to have a collection for Rabbi Shachter to give a shiur?  I find that very hard to believe.

“How much would it cost for Rav Schachter to clarify his position on the covid shots in light of all the information that's come out and all the people that have been harmed?  I think it's a responsibility, but if it needs sponsorship that can be arranged.”  After not hearing back for three days, I asked how we could make this happen.

Rabbi Kerbel replied that Rabbi Schachter “has not changed his position on this issue, and assuming that remains the case, he will not say anything to the contrary.”

It doesn't get clearer than that.  

If you believe these rabbis are fit to continue guiding and influencing the Jewish people, that we should continue supporting them and their institutions, and it's people like me who raise a fuss that are the problem, you've chosen your side and will face the consequences eventually.

If, however, you believe these rabbis and their institutions have caused great harm to the Jewish people, and doubling down at this late date reflects incredible corruption and downright evil, it's time to hold them accountable.  I don't want to hear about bringing Moshiach and fighting our enemies if we can't even hold low-hanging rotten rabbinic fruit like this accountable for poisoning our people without a pang of remorse.

Related articles from 2021:
Response to Rabbi Feldman (who defended Rabbi Schachter's "ruling")

Both the Jewish Press, which published the "Torah" from Rabbis Schachter and Feldman, did not respond to my emails, nor did Rabbi Feldman.
*   *   *
Check out the following excerpt from this Slimes of Israel article. The article names more people who are "dominant voices" in the Bring Them Home Now psy-op (surprise: it's not the families of the hostages).

Don't be fooled by the “anti-government” stuff; the government is a huge supporter of the Bring Them Home Now psy-op.  They control both sides of the color war, which is how they control the population.

On that note:

What do the chief rabbis of Israel, Bring Them Home Now, "religious right wing" political parties, the heads of the Yesha Council during the Gaza expulsion...and Hamas...all have in common?

They are all controlled opposition.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We know that we are forewarned from Chazal that most of the rabbis at this time, the end of days, will be mostly of the Erev Rav. It's clear as crystal for all
to see that it is so. We are really living in an alternate universe at this time.
May H' Give us the strength mentally and physically to withstand all the insanities perpetrated on humanity.

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...