25 September 2024

IMPORTANT INQUERY …. Info verification

Can Anyone Verify what was stated in a letter I received?


Meir Panim is heavily funded by Christians and it appears to me that they are taking advantage of the situation. Something about it seems very off to me.


Anonymous said...

Tomer Devorah which, I believe, is an expert on this subject. She had written an article a while back (don't remember if a couple of years or more) about Meit Panim that they accept monies from the Xtians. Therefore, we must believe that that compromises them. Nothing is for free. Don't remember the part of the impact they are having on helping the missionaries do their work.
I would suggest you contact her and find out the details. I used to donate
(via mail) to them and stopped a long time ago for this very reason.

Neshama said...

Todah Rabba for this. That makes a second report of their unfortunate and desperate decisions.

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